18- The zoo

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Stella's P.O.V.

Claire and I were currently in Cole's car, as he drove to whatever he had planned for us today. She was in her car seat in the back, while I was up front in the passenger seat.

"Are you going to tell us where we're going?" I asked, looking over at Cole.

"Nah. You'll see when we get there. I can say this though, I'm glad it's going to be a nice day today. I was getting kind of nervous with how the weather was the last few days. I would have had to come up with a plan b."

"So wherever we're going, we'll be outside?"

"You..." I started laughing, as he poked my side.

"I know I've talked to you every day this week and you said work was good but was it nice to be back on a normal schedule again?" Cole asked.

"It was. It made it so much easier with Ms. Sue there. I wished I could afford her throughout the summer so Claire didn't have to go back to daycare yet, but I know Claire needs to go back so she can start playing with kids her own age again."

"Yeah, I guess I can understand that."

My phone started to buzz, I pulled it out of my pocket and saw it was Wes calling. Letting out a mental groan, I denied the call, put it on silent and put my phone back into my pocket.

"We're almost there, ladies."

"Yay!" Claire said excitedly.

"You have another week off, are you excited to get back to work?"

"Yes. This week I'm going back to the gym to start doing light workouts."

"Just be careful."

He smiled, "I will, I have a trainer I'm working with that will kick my butt if I'm not. He has this plan all set up for me that will get me back to where I was before the surgery in no time. I feel really good though."

I nodded. "Good."

"I have to make sure I keep these bumps on my tummy, you know." He joked as he ran his hand up and down his stomach, making me laugh.

After a few more minutes, Cole pulled into the New York Zoo. As we got closer I was wondering if this was what he had planned but didn't say anything so I didn't ruin the surprise for Claire.

"The zoo? Yay!" Claire said, happily.

"Do you like the zoo?" Cole asked as he parked his car.

Claire nodded.

"Good, hold on, Stella." He got out and went around the front of the car and opened my door for me. "My lady." He grabbed a hold of my hand and helped me out.

"Such a gentleman."

"Always." He kissed the side of my cheek before going to Claire, "Your turn, princess."

He unbuckled her seatbelt and picked her up. Taking his keys, he popped open the trunk and took her stroller out. It was Cole's idea to bring one, knowing she might get tired from all the walking we were going to do.

"Cole, this place doesn't look open today?"

"It is. I called them to make sure."

We walked to the front gate. The guy that handed us our wristbands looked like he was starstruck talking with Cole for whatever reason. Maybe he had a little crush on him for all I knew.


Both Claire and I smiled as we nodded. We put on our wristbands and headed inside. Claire was walking just in front of me, while Cole wrapped his one arm around my waist as his other arm pushed the stroller.

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