28- Love

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Stella's P.O.V.

Roman pulled up a chair to our table and sat down next to me.

"I'm going to say this one more time, go away." I repeated.

"I need to talk to you."

Jen started laughing. "Now you want to talk? I think you might be six years too late for that one."

She wasn't wrong. Whatever he had to say, it didn't matter anymore.

Roman rolled his eyes over to Jen. "Isn't your lunch date over? You can leave now."

She raised an eyebrow, "Wow, your stupid."

I started laughing, she was never good with comebacks but again... not wrong. "She's right. I have nothing to talk to you about anymore and how would you know we're done? Have you been watching us?"

After the words left my mouth I thought back to Cole's words about the gray Volvo outside my apartment.

"Don't be ridiculous. I was on shift and saw both of you come in here. I went home, changed and came back. I know you paid. I really need to talk to you... Alone."

"I'm not leaving her here alone with you." Jen snapped back.

Roman clenched his jaw and let out a breath. "Fine, stay then."

The small hint of whiskey filled my nose. Remembering this was his dad's favorite drink. Didn't Roman tell us he just came off shift though?

Roman looked at me as he continued. "Baby. I miss you."

I started laughing, hard. Getting the attention of the people around us. "Have you been drinking?"

"No. I'm serious. I can't stop thinking about you Stel... I've made a terrible mistake and I want us to start over."

Now Jen was laughing.

"I'm serious, you smell like whiskey."

Roman ignored her and my comment, as he reached for my hands. "Baby."

I pulled back, "Don't! Don't touch me and don't you dare call me baby. We can't just turn back time, it doesn't work like that."

"Do you remember in grade school, when I first met you? I asked to borrow a pencil, even though I really didn't need one. I just wanted to talk to you. Then freshman year? I was so nervous to ask you out to that dance but we had the best time. Our first kiss... and when we made love for the first time, I've never loved anyone so much, in all of my life."

I did... Claire and now Cole.

I just sat there, letting him puke out whatever he needed to tell me.

"I had plans for you and I. Plans for our future... something I was dead set on but things changed and I'm sorry for how I handled you getting pregnant. I was scared."

"Scared? You were scared? No, I think the correct word was a coward."

The waiter brought over the receipt and I quickly signed, sliding my card back into my wallet. I then nodded and stood up. I needed to get out of here because I was doing everything in my power not to punch him in his face. "I guess it all worked out in the long run for the both of us."

I motioned for Jen to follow me out. I walked out as quickly as I could, praying that it was Jen following behind me.

The doors opened and I felt someone grab my hand. I looked over quickly, it was Jen. "Honey, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Can I hang out at your house until I need to get Claire from school?"

"Of course you can, come on."

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