Chapter 3

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"All I can say is that, today was interesting as hell

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"All I can say is that, today was interesting as hell." Said Lumine as she turned her head to face Ganyu. "Ain't that right Ganyu?"

She asked the younger female as she remembered the events in math class; Venti hid behind his twin brother while begging for his best friend, Aether, to forgive him. Saying stuffs like "Aether! Forgive me, I was wrong! Sorry!!" or "Aether I beg of the Archons I'm not ready to cross to the Celestial Realm yet!!"

Ganyu let out a joyous giggle. "It definitely was. You enjoyed it too right brother?"

Xiao who already expected the question and typed the answer on his phone and showed it to his sister, it said "It was interesting in a way."

She smiled. "Glad to know you're having fun as well."

They all are currently heading towards the teachers office to fetch two certain twin braided twins, that is a mouthful. Two familiar voices starts to reveal itself the closer they get to the source.

"At least I finished it." Said the oh so joyful voice whom only belonged to one person.

"I just hope that you did not mess up the scores." Said the more calm and motherly voice in which the group would guess to be the more behaved of the two.

"They'll be finee~ Besides those paper works were supposed to be done by the teachers themselves, we're just forced volunteers." He cheered as the group could finally see both their figures the closer they get.

"That doesn't make it better.." Sighed the younger who has been so done over the older's nonsense.

"Hey guys, finished the extra paperworks yet?" Asked Aether as they stopped and grabbed the duo's attention.

"All done." Venti looked around, as if searching for someone. "Where are the others?"

"Ei and Miko went to Makoto, they said they want to check out the new shop that just opened nearby. Ayaka went to find his brother. The rest went straight home." Aether explained and Venti just nodded in understanding.

"Well.." The groups attention was focussed on Carmen now. "How about we all hang out in our place for a while?" He suggested as he looked at the group.

"Yeah sure I don't mind." Aether said as they shifted the weight to their left foot for balance as their twin hugged them from the side.

"Same." She turned her gaze towards Ganyu and Xiao. "What about you guys? Do you wanna join us?"

"Umm.." She looked at her brother who just shrugged. "Sure, we can join in. If that's alright with you two?"

"Of course! The more the merrier!" Venti exclaimed smiling brightly, that it could blind whom ever stares at it for too long. Almost like the sun, or at least that's how Xiao sees it.

"Venti, Carmen." A voice said from behind the two dark haired boys. They turned to see a certain redhead.

"Diluc!~" Venti exclaimed. "Hey there! What's up?" He asked as he skipped walk two steps towards the redhead.

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