Chapter 10

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As the afternoon third period rolled in, everyone was thirty minutes in their chosen courses

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As the afternoon third period rolled in, everyone was thirty minutes in their chosen courses. Right now they are currently doing individual performances, an activity Ms. Barbara often held to see their improvement. Venti had once again dragged Xiao with him and made him sit there to watch and listen to the tunes coming from everyone's chosen instruments. But in reality, Xiao's only focus in the hour long session was on Venti, who this time around, played the violin. Much to his surprise. The latter swayed his body around in swift movements, his twin braids following the flow of these movements, making him look elegant. He took the spotlight quickly, it was as if he was the brightest star in the night sky. Looking at Venti's performance, Xiao was mesmerized.

His dazed state of mind cut short when he heard Carmen speak beside him. "Both of us were trained to play the violin since we were little kids." He turns to the older male, his baby blue eyes had gone softer as he watched his other half play, he turns to face Xiao with a smile, one that's bittersweet. "He stills plays, but not as much as he used to.." The teal haired man wonders what happened but decided it was better to not ask. He had no right to ask about the twin's history unless they're willing to open up about it. Xiao will listen.

He beckoned Xiao to look back at Venti's performance and the younger eagerly watched the performance without any complaints until the show ended with Venti bowing in front of everyone who clapped their hands at him. A young male came up to him and cupped his hands before bowing, a gesture that Xiao recognized to display respect and politeness, the said male had a flute in his hand. Venti bows at him awkwardly, not used to using such gesture before walking back to where Xiao and Carmen sat. The three were arranged in a small circle. They could hear Ms. Barbara speaking to the boy in the background but pay no mind to it.

"How was it? Was it good?" He asks the two younger males as he placed the violin in its case.

"It's very impressive. You're still good at it even though it was gathering dust on your shelf." Venti hums in response.

"I'm not as good as you though. You're an expert with the violin!" He exclaimed, flashing a teethy grin towards his twin. Carmen giggles. The two stopped when Xiao showed them his phone. "Woah! That's a lot of words." This time it was his turn to giggle, the latter had shied away from the older's gaze and his ears slowly starts to burn.

"Just read it dummy, Xiao's gonna get embarrassed if you tease him." Carmen lightly smacked Venti's shoulder before looking at the screen, intending to read.

"It was good, really good. I didn't know you played the violin as well.. How many instruments can you play? Can Carmen also play multiple instruments? If so what are these instruments? I know that many people can play multiple instruments but I never really met one until now."

Venti's eyes reread it again, his lips curving into a smile. He and Carmen glanced at each each other before looking back at the younger simultaneously.

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