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"I can't believe I'm being forced on this stupid fuck trip so that dad can show off his wealth and family."

"Be glad it's only for three days. Mom talked him down from two weeks."

Kyler snapped his head in disbelief over towards his sister, almost dropping the luggage he was shoving into the over hang.

"Two we- what the fuck would we do in Korea for two weeks?!"

Jesse chuckled and took her seat gracefully by the window. She wouldn't have had a problem with the country itself, her Korean was much better than her brothers. However, it was listening that would be more difficult. She was around English more and therefore her brain had already decoded most of the language for processing.

Korean on the other hand was a language based off of nuances and sounds. An infliction of a vowel could mean two things depending on the lilt of your next sound, so she was mentally preparing herself for the horrors to come with language barriers.

And the questions.

"Just be happy we are in first class. Free champagne, no questions about our age." Jesse tried to make her brother feel better, bumping his shoulder as he sat down. "Just lay down and sleep."

"At least you can get rid of your hearing... I'm stuck with Old Man Roberts, the goblin baby cries, and stinky Tom over there."

"I'm deaf, not smell-less."

"What the fuck ever."

Jesse giggle at her brother's annoyance and removed her implants, setting them inside her embroidered case. She gave her brother a little nudge in comfort and Kyler gave in giving her one back. The rest of the flight was uneventful, calm and reminded her of the calm before a storm.

When the attendants came by, Kyler ordered for the both of them and Jesse didn't mind. They had similar tastes in food and ordering food while deaf to the world was hard.

The flight gave her time to think about what had went on this week - or rather this summer - with Demetri and her past. It really was only a matter of time before her identity came out as Kyler's twin, the bully from middle school, and the girl who drove Eli near mad with anxiety.

She really was a terrible person, wasn't she?

Neither twin was surprised at the driver who waited for them. With her implants back on and respectful bows lined up, the Park siblings were taken to their parents location. Obviously, it was a nice hotel probably one of the best in Seoul.

Their father would be near the top - if not at the top - while her and Kyler would share a room on the same floor or one below. They'd be well taken care of, given a spending budget, and they'd see their father at the dinner tonight.

"Man, why couldn't we have come yesterday?" Kyler grumbled more inside the room, setting out to get his suit ready. "No time to rest."

"Just how it worked out." Jesse shrugged, also annoyed at the time or lack there of. She already had her outfits hung up and lounged on the couch. Her phone sat in her hands waiting for a text. "Think we could go to a KPop concert before we leave?"

"Probably not. We're here as dad's dolls, not vacation." Kyler sneered. Jesse paused and looked over at the tight shoulders of her twin. Of the two of them, Kyler struggled with their relationship with father the most for reasons that Jesse tried to forget. "Look, Jesse. Don't worry about any of this shit. We'll get through it, eat some bomb sushi, and be back."

"Bows and smiles." Jesse said sarcastically, her brother's lips twitching into a small grin. "Think Ae-Ri will be there?"

A shiver ran down Kyler's spine at the familiar Korean name and sat down across from his twin on the soft chair. "Man, I hope not."

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