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TW /// Abuse



Jesse couldn't help the eye twitch at the intentional low sound nearly surpassing what her implants could pick up as she bowed in greeting next to her brother. Her brother immediately darted over to their father, grabbing the man's suitcase and bag to carry inside the house while Jesse put on the realest smile she could.

"I made your favorite dish." Jesse informed gesturing to the front, her words careful and succinct, and waiting for her father to move, his inspecting eye felt like a thousand bullets raining down on her. "B-Beef bulgogi." She offered weakly before holding her breath as the man walked slowly towards her, sidestepping, and then entering the grand home.

Immediately Jesse exhaled and closed her eyes, a hand over her heart as if she could calm it down with a simple touch. She allowed her self a few peaceful moments before entering the home, the door clicking behind her like judge's javelin. He really never changed.

She set to work with setting the table with the food while Kyler busied himself with the cutlery and plates, working together silently using well-timed pats on the arms and eye gestures to communicate. Every now and again Kyler's hands with flutter into a sign and Jesse would answer with a nod or shake of head, glancing over her shoulder to see if her father noticed. It was different to see her brother using sign, a feat that she had learn about him only weeks ago and never fully addressed.

When they sat at the table, their father sat first. The twins followed on either side of the head of the table, with Kyler on the patriarch's right side and Jesse on the left, back facing the door. A moment, then their dad thanked for the food.

And Jesse quietly dished out the food.


"Yes sir?"

"I heard you won your judo tournament last fall."

Kyler swallowed even though there was nothing in his mouth, smiling with his lips only. "Yeah, I mean, yes sir, I did." He confirmed with a glance over at his sister, who gave an equal confused glance reaching his full bowl over the table for her twin to take.

"Good, at least one of you continues to bring good on the family name."

Jesse and Kyler both froze with their arms outstretched in front of them. Kyler's hands warmly enclosed Jesse's and attempted a reassuring swipe over her knuckles, taking the dish slowly away while Jesse averted her gaze to the table with shame.


"...Yes sir?"

"At least you can finally hear me now, but look at me when I'm talking to you, girl." Jesse turned immediately, looking up at the disappointment that sent tidal waves in her stomach the size of Everest and a deep-rooted from that seemed permanent at this point. "My colleague says their daughter plays three instruments after being born deaf. How has your cello practice been coming along?"

I just took it out of the closet three days ago after hiding it the last summer you were here.

"G-good. I've been working h-hard—" Jesse and Kyler flinched at spoon slamming on the table, the former of the two looking down with wide eyes at her bowl with lips practically sewn together. Her hands grabbed onto each other as if she could find some semblance of reassurance within her self now that Kyler occupied the seat away from her instead of beside her. She hadn't meant to sign with her hands.

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