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Demetri's smile could spread faster than a wildfire, intoxicating to even those who vowed to remain immune. However, Jesse found herself clenching her jaw at the sight. There he was, hunched over Yasmine's chair, their heads knocking together in laughter over a joke Jesse was sure was as corny as it was saccharine. Yasmine's eyes danced with mirth, a joy once ignited by Demetri's geeky quips, now fuelled by their shared, private moments.

She risked a glance at Eli, catching his strained grimace. He looked like he was undergoing a root canal without anesthesia. As distasteful as this scene was to Jesse, she figured it was even more agonizing for him.

kill me

Jesse snickered at the discord message, her fingers dancing over the keys as she typed back.

[jurassic park]
sounds illegal

Like that has stopped
you before.

If I must suffer,
So shall you



Catching Eli's eyes as he glanced up from his phone, she flashed him a cheeky middle finger, which he returned without missing a beat. Suppressing a snort with her hand, she was grateful for the ringing bell that aligned perfectly with her uncharacteristically crude laughter. She broke away from her group with the nimbleness of a gazelle, blending into the student crowd beside a certain familiar nerd.

"So, you and Demetri going to prom?" Jesse asked nonchalantly as they navigated through the sea of students, her gaze pinned forward.

Eli responded without looking at her, his sigh almost lost in the chatter. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Third wheel?" Jesse probed, raising an eyebrow. Eli simply shook his head.

"Yasmine won't be in the country."


"Are you going?"

Biting the inside of her cheek, Jesse nodded after a moment. "...yeah. I guess... I guess I am." Eli rolled his eyes at her response, nudging her side.

"Stop being so gloomy. It doesn't suit your already unfortunate face."

As days blurred into weeks, these fleeting interactions became more frequent, providing Jesse with precious moments of solace. Even amidst Eli's jabs and Demetri's gooey declarations, being around the boys was a solace she craved.

As Jesse masked a smile with a retaliatory shove, Eli's frown brought their banter to a pause. Without a word, he grasped her arm, forcing her to glance at a fresh bruise peeking out from beneath her makeup.


"Please." The word was a whispered plea, her gaze fixated on the grimy tile beneath her feet. Eli didn't argue, and Jesse cleared her throat, extricating herself from his gentle grip. "It's just karate."

"...I wish you'd tell us what's going on." Eli's sigh echoed down the hallway as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "We could figure something-"

"No." Jesse's voice was firm, a silent battle raging within her at the mere thought of confrontation.

"But Jess-" Eli's voice was laced with worry, the desperation clear.

"I said no, Eli," Jesse's words were a fortress, standing tall against Eli's concern. She held his gaze, her eyes a clear reflection of her unwavering resolve.

Sighing, Eli pinched the bridge of his nose, as if trying to erase an impending migraine. "Alright. I won't push."

They stood in silence, a palpable tension threading the air between them. Jesse shifted her gaze away from Eli's concern, instead focusing on the whirl of students around them.

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