Home again

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Y/n pov

"Welcome back Y/n!" Mama said hugging me. Me, Abuela, Mirabel, and, Camilo had finally arrived back home from our hours of walking from Encanto.

"Mirabel, right?" Maria asked.

"Yup! It's great to see you again Maria!" Mirabel said refering to when I first left for Encanto.

"Though, who's the new one. Last time I checked kids don't grow that fast so it's not Antonio." Papa joked.

"I'm his older brother Camilo! Nice to meet you!" Camilo said.

"Well thank you for taking care of our
y/n-ito." Mama said.

"Well, I shall go nap till dinner is ready." Abuela said going up to her room.

"I'll show you guys around." I said as I made my way up to my room.

"So, this is my room. Not magical." I said putting my stuff down once we reached my room.

They nodded and I watched them look around the room.

"Do I stay here too?" Camilo asked excitedly.

"Nope. You two will be sleeping in the guest room. Don't worry, I will show you it."

"The other rooms are bedrooms for your family, right?" Mirabel asked looking down the hallway.

"Yup!" I replied walking out. "The door at the end of the hallway is the bathroom, which, well, isn't a bedroom. The room closest to the bathroom is my sister's. She shares it with her husband, but she does have plans to finally move out soon. The door across from us is my parent's room. It has its own bathroom. We're not allowed to use it."

"Having more than one bathroom seems very useful." Mirabel said.

"I still can't believe you all share one bathroom." I mumbled as we made our way downstairs.

"Now, this is the kitchen." I said pointing to where my mom was cooking, then pointing to the table right outside the kitchen. "And that's where we eat."

"The food smells great!" Mirabel said.

"Thank you so much! You know y/n, you should have shown them their room first." Mama said.

"Oh! Right. Okay, so," I said hurrying to their room. "This is where you two shall sleep."

"Nice!" They said putting their stuff down.

"Well, I'll leave you guys to pack." I said as I went to help my mom set the table.

"Mirabel seems nice." Mama said.

"She is." I said, seeing where she was going with this.

"She seems to like you." Papa said.

"We are good friends."

"She seems like a great sister in law." Maria said.

"Definitely a great addition to the family." George said.

"Not happening." I said. Mirabel was great and cute, I'll give her that, but she's just not my type.

"Why, do all your crushes have to look like Jesus?" Maria said.

"We don't talk about that." I said feeling embarrassed.

"Please, Hannah and Miriam both had Jesus like brown hair. Same length. And Alex even had the same facial hair as Jesus. Plus your celebrity crush is Keanu Reeves." She said.

"Thoes are all coincidences." I said, annoyed.

"We know, we know." George said laughing.

"Did we miss something?" Mirabel asked as she and Camilo came into the kitchen.

Him & I (Male reader x Camilo Madrigal) Where stories live. Discover now