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Y/n pov

Once I arrived home, I collapsed on my bed. I pulled out my computer and began looking through what to watch. I was caught up on most of my shows and anime so I was in the stage where I didn't know what to watch as I ignored my growing watchlist.

"Hey!" Camilo said, popping his head through the door.

I smiled, as I looked at him. After seeing him I felt a bit less tired for some reason even though I spent my whole day with him.

"What you doing?" He asked eating chips.

"Looking for something to watch."

"Oh, can I join?" He asked shifting into Izan.

"Why'd you shift into Izan?" I asked confused, as I patted the spot next to me on my bed for him to join.

He looked confused, then looked down. "Oh, sorry, I guess it's really hard for me to stay in my body for too long without shifting."

I nodded. In Encanto I had grown used to giving off tiny flares and using my powers a little throughout the day as I was trying to fit in with myself, for someone who's been using their gift all the time, no doubt it would be hard.

"So, you know what to watch yet?" He asked as he shifted back to his body.

I looked at him, annoyed. "No. Not yet."

He scooted closer to me, so he could see the list I was looking at.

I looked over at him, as I felt his head resting on my shoulder as we were laying on the bed. I felt myself blush a bit.

I looked back at my list, maybe I could put on one of my favorite shows. I looked through the list as I instantly noticed some I thought he'd like, considering how much he likes cartoons.

The Owl House
Gravity Falls
Bungo Stray Dogs
Sk8 the Infinity

Hmm, they were all good, but I guess I should try finding something to watch that we could finish soon.

"Alright, I've decided on what to watch." I announced.

He looked up at me, waiting.

"We'll be watching on of the best anime to have graced this world, Sk8 the Infinity."

"Ooo." He replied enthusiastically, despite not knowing what it was.

I smiled as I let it play. As we watched, we shared the chips despite the fact my mom would hate it if she found out I was eating on the bed, but I could use Camilo as an excuse, she'll probably excuse a guest.

Whenever a character popped up, Camilo would shift into them.

"Camilo, you know I find it cute how you shift into any and every character that pops up on screen, but I beg of you, whenever Shadow and Adam pop up, don't shift into them."

He didn't respond like he usually would, just nodded and cuddled his head into my chest.

Camilo pov

"Camilo, you know I find it cute how you shift into any and every character that pops up on screen, but I beg of you, whenever Shadow and Adam pop up, don't shift into them." Y/n told me.

I wanted to respond, but felt my brain short circuit as my brain seemed to have focused on the fact that he said my shifting was cute. I just nodded and cuddled into him, happy. He finds me cute.

He moved his arm so it was around my shoulder, as if moving me closer to him. I smiled, he really was warm. I watch the show as Langa was skating against Shadow, it was really cool, now I wanted to try skating, though it did seem dangerous and painful.

We went ended up going through 6 episodes when Mirabel came bursting through the room.

Mirabel pov

After coming back from hanging out with Y/n and his friends, I had spent time with Maria and George as we talked about random things, I had brought up the whole business we had last year with the house falling down, and they had taught be how to play video games, we played a game called Minecraft and Grand Theft Auto, but I hadn't seen Y/n or Camilo while I was playing with them. I made my way up to Y/n's room and gave a little knock before entering the room.

When I entered I saw Y/n with some weird red headed guy who was probably Camilo.

"Hey, what have you been up to?" I asked awkwardly.

"Nothing really, just watching an anime." Y/n responded as Camilo shifted back into himself.

I nodded through I had no idea what anime was, I guess that's something I'd have to ask about later.

I looked at Y/n with his arm around Camilo who was holding on to his chest. I felt a pang of jealousy as I saw this, wishing that I could be in Camilo's spot right now.

"You doing alright?" Y/n asked as Camilo got off the bed.

"Yeah, I was just downstairs playing some video games with your sister, and was wondering where you were." I responded.

"Oh, don't worry," Camilo started as he walked over to me and shifted into Y/n, putting his arm around my shoulders, "You don't have to hide that you were jealous, now here you go."

"Get off, Camilo." I said annoyed, I didn't need him to tease me on this, everyone else was already teasing me about my crush on Y/n, I didn't need Camilo to get on it too. I mean sure, I am surprised that he hasn't done so already, but it's a good surprise.

Y/n pov

I rolled my eyes, the more people bring up Mira's crush on me the harder it will be to pretend that I don't know about it. But Camilo just has to embarrss her, even though he knows I try to ignore her crush.

"Camilo." I sighed.

"Hey, hey, no harm." He defended shifting into Reki and flopped on my bed. Maybe I should show him Dr.Stone some time so he can shift into Gen. I have a huge crush on Gen Asagiri. I should ask him sometime.

"Anyway," Mirabel said, "Do you guys want to do something together."

"You know, I think I have Monopoly, we can play that if you're up for a game that will take up hours of your time." I offered.

"Sounds fun!" They agreed simultaneously.

And they say they aren't like twins.

I brought out the board and went to the living area.

"Hey, you guys want to play Monopoly?" I asked the rest of my family who were relaxing.

They agreed and we began setting up the game.

I decided to play as the ship, Camilo chose the hat, Mirabel chose the cat, Maria played as the wheelbarrow, George played as the dog, Mama played as the car, Dad played as the shoe, and Abuela played as the unidentified object that we couldn't agree on what exactly it was.

After hours of brutal betrayals, yelling, snacks, and bankruptcy, Abuela won with Camilo somehow coming in 2nd place. He doesn't even know how he did it. Mirabel ended up in 5th place as George had been the first to loose.

Him & I (Male reader x Camilo Madrigal) Where stories live. Discover now