chapter 9

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Alessandro's pov

Seeing the emotions on her face shocked me, she actually showed emotion for the first time and she showed it to me. She looked so broken behind the emotions she wanted me to see, it was deep like she has been feeling broken her whole life.

I notice how she won't let us near her and whenever we touch her, she always gives us her fiery warning look, it is scary but mostly I just find it adorable. I've missed so much of her life and I missed her like crazy, still remember her little self, running around the house laughing all the time, playing with all of her brothers. Despite all of this, I can't believe how she's grown up, she turned out not as I expected but I still love her regardless no matter what she turned out to be.

"Alessandro, why are you smiling?" Elijah said slowly with a look on his face breaking me out of my thoughts. Everyone looked at me with shocked faces. I clear my throat and they all snap out of their trances.

"I was just thinking, that's all. What were you guys saying?" I ask trying to get the conversation off me.

"We were just talking about violet" Elijah says with worry in his voice

"She won't let anyone touch her, she will hardly even talk to us! What do we do, we can't just not talk to her or even touch her" Xavier said with the same worry in his voice

"Maybe we should talk to her, get her to tell us or make her trust us. We have to do something" Elijah says, his mother figure taking over

"Guys we just need to give her time, she's only just come today and it makes sense that she doesn't trust complete strangers. I mean we grew up with knowing she existed, she had no idea this was all just sprung on her" I say trying to calm the guys and not start an argument tonight.

"just go to sleep and we can all try to get her to trust us tomorrow" Lorenzo says with a tired look and at that moment I feel just how tired I am. Deciding that Lorenzo is right I stand up and say a quick good night and head upstairs.

Walking into my room I change into a pair of grey sweatpants and a plain t-shirt, heading to bed I can hear something like scratching or someone rolling on the floor.

Deciding to see what it is I go back into the hallway and listen, seeing the sound coming from Violet's room, I head there and knock "Violet, can I come in?" I can hear a small whimper coming from inside.

I barge in not being able to just stand outside when I think my little sister is hurt and needs help.

The first thing I look at is the bed, violet lying there with tears rolling down her cheeks her eyes closed tight, and her hands alternate between clutching the bedsheets and scratching her neck.

Walking quickly to her I gently put my hand on her, her eyes snapping open looking straight at me. Her eyes hold so much emotion, sadness, pain, and terror, she looks like she has been through so much.

"Breath for me baby, deep breath. You can do it" I say trying to calm her down. Seeing her still scratching her neck I very gently grab her hands and placed them down by her sides making sure she knew exactly what I was doing to not freak her out more.

She tried to slow her breathing, still looking straight into my eyes

"You're doing good Bambina, keep doing it, deep breaths in and out"

After two minutes of her trying to breathe properly, I decided to pick her up and put her head on my chest, listening to my heartbeat. She flinched when I first went to pick her up but after cooing her she seemed to calm down.

Five minutes after that she was fully calmed down, her head still resting on my chest. Me now leaning against her headrest, I listen to her breathing deciding whether or not I should ask her about it.

"Do you wanna talk about it? You don't have to if you don't want to" I ask, not wanting to push her but still wanting to make sure that if she wanted to talk she could.

"No, I'm good thank you" she said sounding very tired. I just said a simple okay hearing her breathing get steadier and deeper, she fell asleep soon after that, with her head still resting on my chest.

Deciding that I will just stay here I gently adjusted violet and I so I could lay down with her still tucked into my side.

It didn't take me long to fall asleep too peaceful sleep.

sorry they're short I will try and make the next ones longer 

my darling violetOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara