Chapter 42

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Violet's pov

Putting my books away in my locking there is a tap on my shoulder, turning around Sarah stands there with a smile on her face.

"hey I was heading to the cafeteria when I saw you here so I thought I would come here and wait for you"

"thank you" I reply smiling

I close my locker door and we start heading to the cafeteria, both of us talking while we walk there. we get to the table and sit down, me sitting next to Matthew and Sarah sitting on the other side. Some of the guys look at us two talking, we just ignore them and continue talking until Matias interrupts us.

"hey so if you want you can come over with us after school, we're all just hanging out at their house" it was a little weird considering that he doesn't live with us but hey he comes over quite a bit or came before I came here so I guess it's like his house too

"umm I'll have to ask my parents but if they yes then sure" Sarah says shrugging, she seems kind of nervous at first but hey I would understand

"wait how are we going to fight everyone?" I ask realising we don't have enough seats

"Why don't you and I go on the bike while everyone else goes in the cars" Matias says with a small smirk seemingly thinking about something else

"yeah but only if Sarah Is cool with going with all of you guys, I don't know if you guys know this but your pretty annoying" I really don't want Sarah to be uncomfortable, I know that she has been sitting here for a while but she only really knows Julian by the sounds of it

"I'll be fine I got Julian to make sure I don't die" Sarah says seemingly understanding what I really meant

"Okay cool, plus with the way they drive it will only be five minutes" with that we all go onto a different topic with Sarah joining in

After maybe a solid forty minutes the bell went so we all headed to our fourth class of the day mine was Italian. Knowing that I don't have any friends in this class I don't rush to get there, sure I like being there and I like talking to the teacher but recently we haven't been talking because you know she actually has to teach the rest of the class how to speak Italian.

Today is one of those days where the teacher miss ford is fully focused on teaching the class, she does this from time to time when she is fully into teaching what we are learning, it really doesn't happen that much but for the past few weeks, she has been in the same mood. It's getting a little weird because I only have Italian three times a week and normally, I spend at least one of those lessons talking with her.

So now I just sit here doing whatever I want which is normally either doing homework or reading a book, miss ford doesn't care seeing as I speak fluent Italian. It would be cool if I learnt another language, I could try and be fluent in all or most languages that way when someone is talking in another language I could listen in on them.

Okay, let's see I haven't learnt Chinese, Persian, German, Turkish, Japanese, Vietnamese and a whole lot more, maybe if I just started with learning one then ill go onto another. After looking at the small list I made of languages I don't know so far, I decided to start learning Chinese, then after that Japanese, because some people say once you've learnt one the other is easier, I don't know if that's true but I'm going to test it out.

So for the rest of the lesson, I have my headphones in listening to Chinese movies, I do this now because I've found it's easier if I watch a bunch of movies in the chosen language with subtitles in English. I learn most of the words from that and then I go on a language learning app and go through all of the words just to make sure that I know all the words and am pronouncing them right.

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