Chapter 36

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Violet's pov

I'm currently in English trying to think of how I missed that the guy that is probably my best friend has a mafia, I mean could just be thinking about this too much and he is talking about something completely different but I don't feel that I am. But like we talk pretty much all the time you think that it would have come up at least one time between us or between my family.

Since Matias told me but didn't really tell me I have been focused on it, pretty much giving up on doing schoolwork. My productive streak only lasted like 2 hours. Seeing as Matias is in most of my classes it has been really hard not to try and talk about it, but if he is in the mafia then we really do have to wait until we are alone and people can't hear us.

Looking over at Matias I grab my phone and text him

'come outside I need to talk, grab your bag too'

And with that I grab my bag and walk out the door not telling the teacher who was yelling at me anything, just giving her a death stare. After like 2 minutes Matias finally comes outside with a questioning look and his bag,

"what's up why did you want to leave" he says looking at me but then down the hallway

"not here" is all I say before grabbing his hand and walking over to the stair that takes us to the roof

Matias doesn't say anything but I can tell that he wants to so badly, when we finally walk up the stairs and make it to the door I push it hard open and drag him through with me. Pulling him all the way to the edge of the roof I do a quick 160 to make sure no one else was here before we sit down and actually start talking.

Sitting down I look over at him, seeing him just staring at me

"so why are we here?" he asks

"We are going to talk about the thing you text me" I reply

"what about it" honestly can this guy get any more stupid

"why were you late?" I say hoping we can just start from there and keep going

"I told you I was late because I was dealing with something to do with the business"

"okay and what's the business"

"you already know- why are we talking about this?"

"just answer the question" I say not really having the patients

" was to do with the mafia" he finally confirms what I thought

"so your family has a mafia too?" I ask to make sure

"yeah, I thought you knew about your family" he says looking at me very confused

"yeah I only know about my family, not anyone else, I thought you didn't know anything and I thought we were the only ones here" he suddenly laughs when I finish speaking

"baby, it is crawling with mafia men here, we have your family's mafia mine and then you have the Swedish mafia. And you would never believe what their capo's last name is" he says looking at me pointedly

"well what is it" I speak after looking at him to continue

"it's Karlsson" I look at him with complete shock written all over my face

"Karlsson as in Alexander Karlsson?" this can't be right, there is no way that I have made friends with the heir to our biggest rival

"yep the one and only. Now you know why we keep on telling you to stop talking to him" he murmurs looking ahead of us this whole time

"why the hell didn't you guys tell me sooner" I yell a little too loud then I meant to

"well I thought you knew. The rest of the guys besides your family don't know anything about the mafias so they don't know and I guess the rest just thought you knew or they didn't know you were talking to him. Trust me if most of them knew you would be homeschooling" he laughs finally looking at me

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