Chapter 35

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Violet's pov

Mondays are kind of really annoying, well at least the first half of the day I mean what child wants to do stupid maths first thing in the morning the only good thing is that Bruno and Matias are in it and because Bruno is there Matias doesn't go all protective and territorial over me which is good.

Sitting down in my seat at the back in between Matias and Bruno, I take out my book and notebook plus a pen and just get straight into doing work not really in the mood for talking and plus I think that if I work hard enough I will be able to actually pass this class which would be a first. I was informed when I was doing one of my moments of annoying Alessandro that all three of the bog bros were amazing at maths and that they passed with top marks every year and that Xavier and Xander still get good grades but they are way less focused on academics and more on sports which is also another thing that I learned they are on the teams for both football and basketball and are apparently really good.

And I know that you would think that Lorenzo would be more focused on sports too but apparently, he was good at both that he was the captain of the football team and was passing all of his classes with flying freakin' colours, so really I am the only one in the family that sucks at school I mean I'm pretty much just passing all of my classes and I don't really do anything else besides helping the big bros with the search for the traitor that we still haven't found.

Pulling me out of my thoughts is the seat next to me being pulled out loudly making almost all the heads turn to look. Sitting down is Matias who finally decides to grace us with his presence.

"where the hell where you, your thirty minutes late" I exclaim looking at him and not at my books anymore

"sorry um the business had a little situation" he says ever so mysteriously

I give him a weird look and in turn, he gives me one too, I honestly have no idea what he is trying to say, I didn't think that his family or he had a business, especially one that would make him late. Knowing that if he was going to say anything out loud he would have the first time I decide to just text him.

violet-normal  Matias-bold 

'what the hell are you talking about, I didn't think that your family owned a business'

'what I thought you knew already'

'knew about what?'

'your families business'

'I do know, what the hell does that have to do with you?'

'my family also own one of the same businesses and we are allies, didn't your family tell you when you found out?'

'yeah well when they "told me" was when I was too excited to play pretend anymore and just jumped into it, I haven't really been told anything'

'Okay so what do you know'

'umm I don't think we should text this, I'll tell you later

With a nod of his head, we both went back to work, my mind half preoccupied with the fact that Matias is in a mafia and that his family runs it I think, I mean how could I not have known this we talk all the time and I am practically always with the big bros at home, you think at least some point I would have found out that information.

The bell rings after 20 minutes to go to second period which just my luck is geography, which is with Matias and alexander, this should be fun. Packing up my things Matias and I walk silently to the next class not really having the brain power to fully register the information he's given me.

I don't know why it is so shocking but it is, I mean he looks like a guy that could be involved in something like that but it is just not what I thought his family and him would do, I mean he's talked about his little sister and his two older brothers before and they just don't seem like the kind of people to run a mafia or even be in one.

Getting into the classroom I see Alexander already sitting there when he sees me walk in the door our eyes lock and he smiles a little almost like a smirk. We keep looking at each other all the way until I am sitting next to him. Only taking my eyes away to take out the things that I need for the lesson.

"ну как прошли ваши выходные?" he says looking into my eyes, something he seems too always

(ну как прошли ваши выходные? - so how was your weekend?)

"꽤 좋았고 지루했습니다. 당신은 어때요?"

(꽤 좋았고 지루했습니다. 당신은 어때요? - it was pretty good, kind of boring. what about you?)

To my right, there is a very loud huff from Matias. Trying not to smile I turn my head down to my work and actually do something. It is probably the most boring thing in the whole entire world but I mean I have to do it, I don't want to be the letdown of the family. Right now I am the one that is doing terribly at school and am dragging the name of our family down so I need to bring my grades up higher so I stop dragging and actually help lift it up.

I was doing a great job of working for the past 15 minutes when something glided across my leg. Looking down I see that Matias's hand is resting on my leg pretty high up too, I mean higher up for where anyone that you are friends with should put their hands.

My face heats up and I try to lower his hand just a little so it is now in a respectable place and he kindly lets me, looking over at Alexander to see if he saw what was happening, I see his two brown eyes staring straight at me almost scanning every inch of my face trying to look for emotions maybe. His eyes quickly glance at Matias's hand on my leg and then back up to me, all I can seem to do is just give a small smile now realising why Matais all of a sudden put his hand there. it was because he saw Alexander looking at me.

Honestly, I don't know if I will be able to make it with these two boys sitting next to me, I mean it's not like other times I haven't felt Alexander staring and Matais seems to get jealous every time I talk to alexander so what the hell am I going to do.

. ☾ . 

I'm sorry that this is pretty bad, I will try and write better stuff when things die down. but thank you everyone who is voting.

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