★ Chapter - 6

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Sri Devi was quite worried, Aadhira rarely fell sick and whenever she was sick, she always preferred Ram to be there and that's not her fault althrough her pregnancy Ram sticked to her like a koala and she felt the baby is more attached to Ram because of that.

She took Aadhira in her arms and quickly walked to their room and put her down on the bed. Quickly, she put four pillows around her Aadhira wasn't able to hold herself from crying more. Aadhira rushed to the living room, she shut her laptop and quickly messaged the team and the manager about it.

She then rushed to the kitchen, with every passing minute the loud cries of Aadhira were hitting her heart hard, she was trying to hold her tears back. It wasn't the time for her to break down seeing her baby sick.

She filled a bowl with luke warm water and went back to the room, slowly she took Aadhira back in her lap and started to rock her slowly while talking to her. She rubbed the wet cloth all over her face, hands and legs and later removed her dress and wiped her whole body with it.

Devi changed her dress into something very light and cotton wear. Aadhira was still having a pool of tears in her eyes. Devi was searching for her phone to call Ram.

While she was doing and slowly rocking Aadhira, Ishu came in their way.

"What is her problem Devi akka? Why is she so annoying?",Ishu said with her voice filled in disgust.

"She's not feeling well, excuse me",she said and walked past Ishu finding her phone on the dining table.

"I wonder why she is sick? Ugh ! Oh are you going to call Ram bava for this much thing? C'mon akka, you're her mother! Can't you handle the baby? You're going to worry bava for this trivial thing? Seriously? Amma always says babies are always to be taken care by mom's than dad's and-",Sri Devi cut her off before she continued.

"Ishu, I would prefer if you don't talk about things you don't know. Aadhu always- Why am I even telling you this when I know you are of no help",she spoke and dialled to Ram while Ishu stood there burning in anger.

"You are so rude, Devi akka. I was just letting you know your responsibilities and you snap at me. I wonder what bava saw in you that he married you",Ishu spoke from behind while Ram answered the call and he heard all of it.

"Sri, what's going on?",he asked Sri Devi.

"Ram garu, Aadhu isn't feeling well. She is burning with high fever and leave the other things. Can you come home soon if possible? I'll take the doctor appointment till then",Sri Devi said and he could understand she was almost going to break down anytime soon.

"Sri, I'll be there soon don't worry and feed Aadhu till then, she'll sleep hopefully and once I am back home we'll take her to the hospital. What about your work by the way?",he asked.

"I texted team mates and manager about it, didn't see their response but there was an emergency thing to do which I think they can manage. Nothing is more important than Aadhu for me",she sniffed her tears back while rocking Aadhu who settled down in her arms chewing her finger which felt very tasty then.

"Sri, shush! I'm starting to home. Don't mind whatever Ishu says, you know how she is right?",he said and she just hmmed.

"Drive safe, bye",she said and hung up the call.

She saw that Ishu was still standing behind her, she just gave her a glare and went to the kitchen after putting Aadhu in the living room with her toys to prepare something for her.

Aadhu slowly crawled speaking in her gibberish language. She was crawling around and saw a huge human figure other than her mama Or dada, she tried to recognize the person and that's when she remembers this person was standing at the door this morning after her dada went to office.

Both of them kept looking at each other and Aadhu tried to hold the TV cabinet and stand to match her height but our baby was still doesn't know she is such a tiny creature. After a while, she gets bored of the person and continues playing on her own. She squeals loudly out of blue,bringing the whole attention of Sri on her.

"Aadhu, kanna(dear) are you okay?",she rushed to see her but there her daughter was who was squealing in happiness because she understood how the toy works. Devi chuckled and got back to work.

In a few minutes, Devi came back with her cerlac and sat in the living room on the floor which was filled with toys.

"Aadhu baby, come let's feed your baby stomach",Devi called her and our hungry Aadhu baby crawled quickly towards her mama.

"Ma.. Ma.. Fo.. Fool",she tried saying food but failed to say it.

"Haww, Aadhu your mamma is not a fool. She is genius",Devi took her into her lap.

"Yeah, genius that's why she trapped my brother in law to her charms",Ishu said. She was sitting on the dining table serving herself.

"Ishu, didn't your amma teach you to respect people who respect you?",Devi asked and Ishu just acted like she didn't hear anything.

Meanwhile Devi fed her cerlac, after having a few morsels she started throwing tantrums which made it difficult for Devi to feed her. She tried all her techniques to feed her, but it failed. Who was she trying to manipulate? Her daughter who is as stubborn as her father who is very strong on their decision.

The door bell rang and Aadhu crawled there while Devi opened the door expecting Ram, but was surprised to see a delivery guy with a food package.

"Ma'am, Ishita Krishna?",he asked and Ishu pushed Sri Devi aside and took the parcel from the delivery guy and gave him five hundred rupees tip just to show off that she is richie rich.

Devi closed the door and Aadhu was now getting grumpy. She needed her dada at this moment, she was feeling irritated in first with the pain in her head, and there is new human in the home, she needs her dad here now, but he isn't here. Hush, our baby has so many problems.

The door bell rang again and it was Ram this time, Ishita went to open the door internally smirking while Aadhu was trying to sleep in Sri's embrace.

Ram saw that Ishu opened the door, by the time the door was opened he removed his shoe and socks and he just gave a small smile to Ishu and rushed to his baby.

He put his bag aside and quickly went to freshen up, while Ishu stood there with an angry look on her face. Did Ram just ignore her? For the stupid small baby? She stomped her feet and went back to her room..

To be continued..

Hello dear readers,

How are you all doing?

I'm sorry to keep you all waiting for so long, here is the next part. Hope you liked reading it.

I tried mentioning a few points which I usually see in my surroundings what people expect from new moms.

I feel so bad now, but I kind felt satisfied seeing Ishu burning. Did you all too?

Aadhu baby trying to be active even though she is sick, such a good girl she is. Isn't she?

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions you would want to tell me?

I'll see you real soon with another chapter till then don't forget to vote and comment your views.

I see this book near to 1k, I'm so thankful for everyone making this possible even though I update this book late or very rare. This really means a lot guy, I'll make it up to you all, I promise!

Till the next chapter, Hasta la vista

Take care and sending you all loads of love ❤

Sakshi 🌸🌙

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