Chapter 03

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Monday 1st September, 1976

"Leave us," the guy beating up Regulus said, his hands still pinning Regulus against the wall.

I recognised him as Mulciber, a horrible excuse for a human who had been particularly cruel to Mary McDonald last year.

I looked at Regulus who was already looking worse for wear. He had a bruise forming around his eye, and from the way he was favouring his left foot while standing, I'd say there had been some sort of damage done to his right foot. He also had a split lip that was gushing a fair amount of blood.

Mulciber looked at me, his eyes ablaze as he waited for me to obey his command, a silent threat in his eyes for if I didn't.

I wanted to. A large part of me wanted to just walk away and let the son of a bitch get beat up. Maybe I'd even watch Mulciber do it. Why should I help Regulus? He'd been a jerk to me, and everyone else. I think people would even thank me for letting him get beat up.

And I hated the guy. I hated his very guts. He infuriated me more than anyone else could. Even more that my brother, and that was saying something. He made me want to snap his neck, or my own. He was an arrogant selfish toe rag and I hated him. I hated everything about him.

I hated his perfect hair. I hated his stupid eyes. I hated his flawless jawline. I hated how much he must have been through and how he's still somehow standing. I hated the pity I sometimes felt for him when I thought of his family and how alone he must feel. I hated it, and I hated him.

I was going to leave him. I was going to let him get battered and bloody, unable to fight back, and I was going to feel fine about it. He deserved for me to leave him, after how he treated me, and I shouldn't feel any sort of guilt for leaving him... but I did. Not for Regulus, but for his brother.

Sirius loved Regulus, and even though he pretended to hate him, I knew he didn't. Sirius would never be able to hate Regulus's guts like I did. He wouldn't be able to watch Regulus get hurt and enjoy it. He wouldn't be able to hurt Regulus and not feel bad about it, because he loved him. He was his brother.

How would Sirius feel if he found out I had a chance to stop Regulus from getting beaten to a pulp and I didn't? Sirius was my friend, and I wasn't about to break his trust by hurting the only member of his family that he actually loved.

Sighing, I took out my wand, looking at Mulciber in the eye and plastering a bored expression on my face.

"Sorry, but I can't do that. I'm actually a Prefect," I said, tapping the golden P badge on my robes.

Mulciber snarled, dropping Regulus to the floor as he took out his wand. He gripped it tightly as he stared at me with disgust.

"I guess I'll just have to beat you up too then, you filthy little blood traitor," he spat.

I rolled my eyes at the unoriginal insult and lifted my wand.

"Let's get this over with then, shall we?" I asked coolly, raising an eyebrow.

Before he could even take a step forward or yell a spell, I had him on the ground lying unconscious. I smirked at my handiwork, throwing my wand up in the air and catching it as it came back down again.

"And that is why I am in excelled Defence Against the Dark Arts," I said smugly, before looking to Regulus. I instantly forgot my pride when I saw him, instead feeling an intense hatred curl up in my stomach.

Regulus looked to Mulciber on the ground and then at me with my still wand out.

"I was fine on my own," he stated.

I gaped in outrage at the disrespect. No thank you, not even a nod of appreciation for saving his ass from getting beaten.

"Oh, so I'm supposed to let you get beat up in dark hallways by disgusting pigs like him?" I asked, gesturing to Mulciber.

"I wouldn't expect anything less. I hate you and you hate me. Leaving me would have been priceless revenge. I would have done it." he added, "so, why didn't you?"

I glared at him.

"Two words," I said, lifting up two fingers. "Your brother."

Regulus's eyes widened, and a wave of emotions flashed in his eyes. Sadness, confusion, anger, and regret, before his mask slipped back on and there was no emotion to be seen on his face.

"Why would you save me for my brother? He hates me," Regulus said impassively.

I let out an exasperated sigh as I looked at the boy I so dearly hated.

"If you really believe that then you're an even bigger idiot than I thought," I said, before walking away. I was about to turn the corner when I looked back at him. "And we have Prefect duty tonight from seven till' nine."

With that, I left, leaving the broken boy to stare at where I had been moments ago, a million thoughts and feelings racing through his mind.

. . .

Monday 1st September, 1976

I sat in the Gryffindor Common room with my brother and his friends, or the 'marauders', as they liked to call themselves. They were talking animatedly to one another, their voices excited and full of mischief. I looked at the fire, not really listening to their conversation.

Prefect duty that night had been a disaster. Either Regulus and I were spouting insults at each other or there was a heavy silence between us as we shot dirty looks at one another. I was still surprised by how angry he made me. When any other Slytherin talked shit to me or attempted to bicker with me, I just ignored it, brushing them off and continuing on with my day. Yet when Regulus so much as looks at me wrong I feel this mounting rage inside me.

"I see you got rid of your injuries," I commented as I met with Regulus at the Great Hall for our patrol.

He rolled his eyes at me, my blood boiling at the action.

"Yes, you see, I used a simple healing charm, but I understand that even the simplest of spells can be a big difficulty for you," Regulus drawled, starting to walk along the corridors we needed to patrol.

"Oh piss off," I muttered, begrudgingly walking next to him but making sure to leave as much space between us as possible. "You obviously went to the Hospital Wing."

Regulus shrugged. "And if I did? At least I know when I need help."

I scoffed, feeling my blood boil. Regulus smirked, the expression taunting me more than any words could. I curled my hands into fists, ignoring him and looking straight ahead. My self-control only lasted for so long though, and before I knew it we were back to arguing. What about, I can't even remember.

I desperately hoped all patrols wouldn't be like tonight, but from my point of view, it looked like it would only get worse over time.

"We need to do a revenge prank on Snivellus," Sirius hissed, bringing me back to the present. I looked to Sirius, his face darkening as he talked about Severus Snape, likely the Slytherin he hated most out of the whole house. "He shot me a really dirty look at dinner, and I refuse to let it stand..."

I tuned out of the conversation, mulling over the words 'revenge prank' in my mind. A revenge prank would be perfect for Regulus, and it would certainly teach him some manners. The starts of a plan were forming in my mind, and I smiled as I thought of how sweet revenge would be. 


I published another chapter because I have no self-control :)

Also, the chapters are a bit short rn, but I promise in the future they do get longer. Every chapter has at least 1000 words though, so I won't rip you off too much.

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