Chapter 25

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Monday 6th December, 1976

It was Monday. The weekend had been uneventful, excluding the seemingly endless talk about the prank, something that was no help to my ego. Regulus Black was a constant in my mind. I barely went five minutes without thinking about him, something I was less than happy with. I had actually pulled Lily aside and asked her if I was sick, to which she laughed and told me that no, I was not sick and was just head over heels for him.

I went to breakfast and sat down with the marauders, Lily, Marlene, and Mary, all of them having a heated discussion on which subject Hogwarts should get rid of, if any at all. I was just taking a bite of my food when Dumbledore stood up, an instant hush making its way around the room. Dumbledore never made speeches during breakfast.

"After breakfast, I would kindly ask fifth, sixth, and seventh years to stay back."

Dumbledore sat back down, though the students stayed quiet for a moment longer. That was all? Well then. Voices filled up the Hall as everyone pondered what the announcement would be, many first, second, third, and fourth years asking the older years to tell them why they had to stay back afterwards.

My eyes strayed towards the Slytherin table and to one Slytherin in particular. Regulus was resting his head on his chin, looking bored as he surveyed the Great Hall. His hair was looking more breathtaking than usual, and I had the strong urge to stroke my hand through it. His lips were also looking full, and I remembered our kiss, the feeling of his lips pressed against mine-

When grey eyes turned to look at me I felt my heartbeat quicken and my eyes instantly darted away, desperate to look like I was doing something other than staring at Regulus.

"I agree," I stated, joining the conversation.

Everyone's eyes turned to me, expressions of confusion and horror reigning of their faces, none more than James who stared at me with both, as well as suspicion.

"I mean, it's kind of weird you think I'm the hottest in the friend group since I'm your brother, but thanks for the support I guess..."

I scrunched up my face, looking at James with disgust. "Wait, no, Lily is."

James looked mildly offended before shrugging. "Fair enough."

Once breakfast finished, years one to four left, the remaining older years whispering excitedly with one another until Dumbledore stood up, silencing the Hall.

"You're probably all wondering why we have kept you back," Dumbledore spoke. "It's because we have a rather exciting announcement that doesn't involve the younger years. The Yule Ball will occur on the 24th of December at 8:00pm. All students are required to attend dance lessons that Professor McGonagall will be overlooking. There will be extra Hogsmeade trips so you can get whatever robes and supplies you need. There will be food present at the dance and no alcohol." Dumbledore gave the marauders a pointed look, one they all ignored. "That is all."

Instantly the Great Hall was in an uproar. Girls and boys alike were whispering with one another, sending other students very pointed glances while some slumped in their seats, dreading the compulsory dance lesson.

I noticed James already staring fixatedly at Lily and sighed, shaking my head. "Idiot."

Remus snorted and I smiled at him before my gaze moved to Regulus against my will, not that I really minded. He was talking leisurely with his friends, not overexcited but not angry or disappointed either.

"It must run in the family," Remus muttered as he stared at me.

I looked down, my cheeks heating up as Remus smirked. I cleared my throat and turned my gaze to Lily, Mary, and Marlene, all of whom were animatedly talking with one another. It sounded like they were planning to go dress shopping.

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