Chapter 30

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(the picture up the top is what i based y/n's dress off. you can imagine something else but the descriptions will be of this dress)

Friday 24th December, 1976

I sat in the Gryffindor Common Room, curled up on the couch with a book in my hand, feeling rather peaceful. The peacefulness shattered when James clapped his hands, grabbing my attention along with the other marauders.

"Come on Y/n, time to get ready," he reminded, getting up, the other marauders following suit.

I put my book down to look at my brother. "I'm getting ready with the girls."

"But Y/n," James whined. "We're family. This is a family thing."

"Since when has getting ready for the Yule Ball ever been a family thing?"

James stomped his foot on the ground, vividly reminding me of a four-year-old. "Since now!"

"Too bad."

I got to my dorm and opened my wardrobe where my dress had been hanging for the past couple of weeks, only to find it gone. I looked through all my clothes in my wardrobe, but it wasn't there. I searched through my trunk, my drawers, anywhere my dress might be, but it was gone.

"James!" I called when I entered his dorm. "James, do you know where my dress is?"

"It's in our wardrobe," he replied from the bathroom where he seemed to be attempting to tame his hair.


James poked his head out from the bathroom to look at me. "We're getting ready together."

I snorted "No we're not."

"Yes we are."

"No, we're not."

"Yes, we are."

I sighed, frustrated. "No we're not James."

"Yes, we are Y/n," James retorted. "Come on, your dress is already here, so you may as well stay."

I glared at him before turning to Remus pleadingly. "Remus, you're letting this happen?"

Remus looked down sheepishly as he answered me. "I was sort of planning on doing your hair."

"Sirius?" I asked.

"Who's going to do your makeup?"

I turned to Peter, my last hope. He just looked at me helplessly, shrugging. "...I've got your shoes?"

I groaned, stomping my foot like a child as I focused back on my brother who was smirking victoriously. I scowled.

"And you?" I prodded at him. "What are you contributing?"

"I have the fucking dress," he said, rolling his eyes at me.

I sighed, finally giving in, and the four boys gave celebratory whoops and cheers. Against my will, a smile found its way to my face, and I quickly grabbed my dress and entered the bathroom before they could see. Once I'd gotton into the dress, I exited the bathroom and found all four boys staring at me. I raised an eyebrow, smirking, and they jolted back into action. Remus motioned me towards him, and I sat in the chair as he started styling my hair.

With nothing to do, my mind strayed to the past week. For the first few days after the fight between Regulus and Sirius, Regulus had kept his distance from me. The dancing lessons had stopped, and I was afraid that meant he didn't want to go to the ball with me anymore. It had been horrible, and I hadn't even had Remus to get me through it, as he'd fallen ill a couple of days after the fight. On the fourth day after the incident, I had worked up the nerve to ask him if he still wanted to go to the Yule Ball with me, to which he had said yes, and the dancing lessons had continued. After that, our relationship had gotton steadier, and Regulus had pulled away less often.

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