Chapter 28

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Sunday 12th December, 1976

"Ready to go?" Lily asked when she noticed me arrive at the Great Hall.

I nodded my head and Mary, Marlene, Lily, and I all started walking to Hogsmeade together, talking animatedly about the Yule Ball and our plans for it. I wanted to tell Lily about being Regulus's date, but I decided leaving it as a surprise would be better.

We got to Hogsmeade and immediately went to the shop Violet Mapleleaf's Witchwear, a shop well known for their good dress robes. When we entered the store, we understood why. It had obviously been enchanted to be bigger on the inside, because there was no way this tiny shop could fit all these dresses. There were floors upon floors filled with racks and shelves of dresses, skirts, shirts, accessories, and anything else a witch could wear.

"Hello girls, my name is Violet Mapleleaf. How may help you today?"

Violet Mapleleaf was not what I had expected. With a store this magnificent, I'd found myself imagining the owner reflecting the beauty of it and also the severity. In reality, Violet Mapleleaf was a short, petite woman with a kind smile and playful eyes. I found I liked this version of her much better than my own imagination.

"We're here to find dress robes for the Yule Ball," Mary said.

Violet clapped her hands together excitedly. "Oh, wonderful! Right this way then, I'll take you to the dress robes floor of the store."

"There's a whole floor for dress robes?" Marlene squawked.

"Of course," was all Violet said before turning around and beckoning us to follow.

She led us to the third floor of the store – there were five overall – and started asking us what ideas we had for our dresses, what colours, textures, styles.

"And what about you dear?" Violet asked me. "What colour were you thinking about?"

I shrugged. What colour did I want? I wanted to look pretty. I wanted to wear a beautiful dress. I wanted Regulus to be unable to keep his eyes off me the whole night.

What about you?

Probably green.

I should have guessed. It's the only colour you ever wear.

"Green," I decided.

Violet smiled at me. "I have the perfect dress in mind."

Once we'd all gotton our dresses, aside from Marlene who had chosen a suit instead, we went to The Three Broomsticks to get a drink and relax. Who knew dress shopping was so tiring?

We sat down once we'd gotton our drinks, all butterbeers, and the conversation turned to dates. Now that Lily had one, it was up to Marlene and Mary to find one.

"What about you Y/n?" Mary asked. "Got a date yet?"


Marlene gasped. "Oh my Godric, you do. Who is it?"

I grinned, shrugging. The others complained and whined, Lily most of all, all of them begging to know who this mysterious person was that was taking me to the ball.

"He's a guy," I said. "That's all you're getting."

"Oh come on!" Mary protested. "Can't you at least tell us what house he's in?"

I shook my head. "Nope."

The others grumbled but eventually let the subject drop, focusing on Mary's date. She had approximately 6 guys on the 'waiting list' as she called it, though none of them had really sparked her interest aside from Garret Doe, the first boy that asked her out.

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