The Football Match

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Today was the football match of Arsenal against Liverpool but Parker couldn't stop thinking about the kiss she and Hailee shared. It was slow and filled with love. After the kiss the girls couldn't stop smiling and went inside to watch a movie. After the movie Parker had to go home but she didn't leave without sharing a last kiss with Hailee and Hailee even called her baby. Everyone of Parker's team was now getting dressed for the hard game that was coming. Parker was in the starting line wich she was happy about.

She was now standing on the field giving everybody from the other team a hand.

Everybody from Parker's team was standing ready to start the game and with a whistle from the referee the game began.

In the 13th minute Arsenal had a big chance. One of their midfielders got the ball and went on a full sprint before giving the ball to Parker who took the ball and ran along the sideline she shot the ball in front of the goal so Miedema (an attacker) could shoot the ball in the goal but she missed.

In the 37th minute Parker got passed the ball and ran along the sideline untill she went through the middle so she could take a shot on the goal and it was hit. The first goal of the game was finally made by Parker. The whole crowd went wild.

Nothing major happened after that so when the referee whistled they went back inside their dressing rooms with 1-0.

"Ok ladies, you just have to keep it like this. Don't let them near our goal and if you can make some more goals." The coach said to Parker and her teammates.

Both teams went back on the field and started the second half of the game.

Even though Hailee didn't understand a lot of it she was enjoying watching Parker play on the football field.

But things started going south when Liverpool decided to play more rough.

Already one of Parker's teammates had to get of because of a injury and now they where after Parker.

At the 68th minute Parker had the ball and was running with it along the sideline when one of Liverpools defenders came and tackled Parker forcefully to the ground completely missing the ball.

Parker grabbed her ankle crying out in pain. The referee immediately whistled giving the Liverpool player a yellow card.

Parker's Teammates quickly went to Parker's side to help her the best they could. Helpers came running onto the field with things that could help. They put some ice on it before wrapping it in tape to keep it stable enough so Parker could keep playing.

Hailee sat in the crowd trying to find a way to see if Parker was ok. She was relieved when she saw Parker walking to the sideline waiting to get back on the field.

Miedema made another goal and Parker had the assist and now the Liverpool players where pissed.

They even took it so far in the 79th minute when Parker jumped up to hit the ball with her head a Liverpool midfielder jumped up and hit her with a lot of power right in her face.

Parker fell to the ground making her head come hard against it making her pass out. The referee whistled when she saw this happening and the Liverpool player got a red card and had to leave the field immediately.

Medics came on the field and Hailee was allowed because of the relationship they have. The medics had to escort Parker inside to help her better. They told Hailee "When Parker wakes up you can leave her in this and just grab her clothes bring her to your house and don't leave her alone, because she can be a little dizzy." "Ok, I will." Hailee responded. The medics left Hailee alone with Parker.

After 4 minutes Parker woke up groaning grabbing her head.

"Hello baby." Parker heard Hailee say.

"Hailee, my head hurts" "I know, baby I know. I already got your clothes let's go home." Hailee helped Parker stand up and slowly helped Parker walk to the car they both came in. Hailee helped Parker sit in her seat before closing her door.

Hailee put Parker's bag in the backseat before getting in her own seat starting to drive back to her house.

"You can go to sleep baby." Hailee said softly to Parker who was slowly falling asleep.

After 2 minutes Parker was asleep looking absoluty cute.

The ride took about 25 minutes and they arrived back at Hailee's house. Hailee already put Parker's bag in the living room but now she had to wake up Parker.

"Parker, baby, we're back at my house." Parker slowly woke up at that groaning.

"I know, your head hurts, but you'll have a shower and then be able to sleep in a real bed." Hailee whispered "Ok" Parker whispered back.

Hailee helped Parker walk to the bathroom so Parker could have a shower.

While Parker was showering Hailee layed Parker's clean underwear on her bed before leaving.

After 15 minutes Parker was done showering and put on the clean underwear before laying in bed slowly fallling asleep untill she heard the door open and close.

Parker felt someone laying down next to her. Knowing it was Hailee, Parker relaxed even more.

"Sleep tight, baby." Hailee said before kissing Parker's forehead and laying Parker's head on top of her chest.

Both girls relaxed into eachothers arms slowly falling asleep.

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