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When Parker woke up she felt the need to throw up so she ran into the bedroom throwing up her dinner from last night.

Hailee woke up hearing something and when she opened her eyes she saw Parker hanging above the toilet breathing heavily. Hailee immediately went to Parker's side.

Hailee rubbed Parker's back while asking "What is it, baby?" Parker knew if she talked she would throw up again so the grabbed Hailee's hand and put it on her own stomach.

Hailee put both her hands under Parker's shirt before she took her shirt off.

When Parker's shirt was off she threw up once again.

"Come on, baby." Hailee said while helping Parker up from the ground putting her back in bed.

When Parker was laying on her back she was groaning because of her headache.

"I know, baby, I know." Hailee softly whispered while putting the back of her hand against Parker's forehead. She could feel she was burning.

"Ok I'm going to make some food for you and if you need to throw up here is a bucket." Hailee said while putting a bucket next to their bed.

Hailee went to the kitchen to make some tomato soup.

When it was finished she grabbed a glass and put in some water before walking back upstairs to their bedroom.

When she walked in she saw Parker walking back to the bed so she asked "What are you doing out of bed?" "Well I had to pee. Did I need to pee in the bucket too?" Parker asked sarcastic. Hailee's frown turned in a smile while hearing the words leaving Parker's mouth.

"Sit up." Hailee demanded. Parker immediately sat up. "Here is your soup and I've got you some water." Hailee said while giving the soup to Parker and setting the water on her nightstand.

Parker began eating her soup while Hailee sat down next to her. Hailee put the back of her hand back on Parker's forehead and felt that her head was burning up even more.

When Parker was finished eating her soup Hailee said "Come on, we're taking a bath." "Ok?" Parker responded confused.

They walked into the bathroom and took of their clothes and the water has filled the bathtub in no time.

Hailee stepped in first resting her back against the tub.

Parker stepped in after that saying "Why the fuck is it so cold?" While screwing her face up.

Hailee laughed at that saying "It's for your fever, baby, now sit down." Parker sat down resting her back against Hailee's front.

Parker thought it was a good idea to fall asleep. Parker leaned her head back leaning it on Hailee's shoulder. Hailee put a quick kiss on Parker's neck before leaning her head forward against Parker's shoulder.

When Hailee woke up she moved her body wich made Parker wake up too.

The girls got out of the bathtub, drying themselfs off with a towel.

They went downstairs to watch a movie. After talking about it for a while they choose Into the Woods. The girls liked it because of the many different stories put in one movie.

They didn't know what to do after watching the movie so they decided to go live on instagram.

"Hello, hey, good evening." The girls said to their fans.

"So we are bored so just put some stuff in the comments and we will do it." Parker said.

All of their fans quickly typed in the comment the girls couldn't read it anymore.

"Ok, slow down." Hailee said while laughing.

"Dance with eachother." Parker read out loud. "Let's go." Hailee said putting the phone up and grabbed Parker's phone connecting it to their speakers and putting on On the Floor.

They began dancing with eachother. The fans were loving them dancing together, because honestly they looked hot together.

After the song was done they looked back in the comments.

"Sing together Love Myself." Hailee read. "Sure" "Ok" the girls said.

Hailee Parker together

When I get chills at night, I feel it deep inside
Without you, yeah
Know how to satisfy, keepin' that tempo right
Without you, yeah
Pictures in my mind on replay
I'm gonna touch the pain away
I know how to scream my own name
Scream my name
(I love me)
Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Can't help myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Anytime, day or night
(I love me)
Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Can't help myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Anytime that I like
(I love me)
I take it nice and slow, feeling good on my own
Without you, yeah
Got me speaking in tongues, the beautiful it comes
Without you, yeah
I'm gonna put my body first
And love me so hard 'til it hurts
I know how to scream out the words
Scream the words
(I love me)
Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Can't help myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Anytime, day or night
(I love me)
Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Can't help myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Anytime that I like
(I love me)
Anytime that I like
Yeah, I know how to scream my own name
Scream my name
(I love me)
Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Can't help myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Anytime, day or night
(I love me)
Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Can't help myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Anytime that I like
(I love me)
Anytime that I like
(I love me)

"That was exhausting." Parker said.

"Well I think it was fun." Hailee said smiling at Parker.

"It was fun, but you're a professional singer and I'm not." Parker said while catching her breath.

"Well we are going to eat dinner so bye." "Bye" the girls said.

Hailee made some wraps for them and they began eating.

"So, I want to take you to the beach tomorrow to go surfing, if you want to?" Parker asked. "I would love to go surfing with you." Hailee said smiling at Parker.

"I don't know about you but I'm getting tired so I'm going upstairs." Parker said walking to the stairs. "I'm coming with you." Hailee said walking behind Parker.

They brushed their teeth before taking off their clothes and laying in bed cuddling, falling asleep.

My Love ( Hailee Steinfeld )Where stories live. Discover now