Chapter 6

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                 ~Isis De'Leon~

It's currently 6am in the morning, I just got back from the gym the have here. I trained alone since I wanted to give Iris and Ares some time alone. I went into my room quickly took a show and changed into grey sweater and grey sweatshirt I may or may not have stolen from my brother in laws closet

*you know you stole bitch, don't try and act all innocent*
-fine I did steal it-
*why though,i mean won't he mind? *
- bitch he became my brother the day  he and Iris signed that unbreakable contract-
*so? *
-so sharing is caring we are family even though they're not married yet-
*okay cool, but you're still an ass*
- shut up!-
*okay but ill be back*

After checking myself out in the mirror, I quickly took my phone from ontop my bed and  dialed in Daniel's number.

*okay it's ringing*
I bet his lazy ass is still asleep

"who are you and I hope you have a good reason as to why you called ME, THIS EARLY IN THE FUCKEN MORNING OR ELSE I'LL PERSONALLY COME CUT THE HANDS THAT DIALED MY NUMBER! " he said raising his sleepy voice at me causing me to chuckle. "well nice to know that my best friends still lazy" I said to him while exiting my bedroom heading downstairs to the kitchen. "no fucken way! Isis De'Leon my twin from another mother" he said in an excited tone.

I chuckled going to sit on the kitchen counter. "how are you El?" I asked, now putting him on loud speaker. "I'm good Ice it's been a while" he chuckled. "I know" I said. "so Ice tell me why you changed numbers and didn't let your one and only bestie know?" he asked in a baby tone. "because me and my sister jumped out of a moving car and into a dam last year  and my phone got damaged" I said explaining why I went ghost on him. "wait you have a sister?" he asked

-shit I forgot I never told him-
*some best friends you two are*
-Shut up-
*fuck you*
- shut up you ass!-
*okay I'm shut, calm down*

"yes, didn't I tell you this?" I said in a serious tone. "no the fuck you didn't" he responded louder than expected. "okay Daniel so I got your number from your mother" I said changing the topic. "how did you get my numbers from my mama because last time I checked she is not in Spain" he said sounding generally confused. "well I'm in Italy as well and we're living under the same roof for the next 2-3 weeks" I said. "why are you in Italy Ice?" he asked. "my sister is the future Don's fiance, and we're here on business and to spend time with him" I said "now, I only called you because I'm bored and I want you to come to Italy and keep me company, understood?" I said in a military voice.

He chuckled" I'll be there tomorrow then Ice, let me just check with my mama" he said. "No need Daniel, you can come I'm sure you miss Isis" Octavia said walking in the kitchen. "thanks mama, I guess I'll see you tomorrow" he said sounding excited. "bye child" she said and Daniel hung up.  "Isis breakfast is ready let's go" she said smiling. "okay Via" I said.

I followed her to the dinning room where everyone was waiting for us. I sat down at my usual seat next to Sandro, and Octavia sat down next to me.

"morning Don and Donna " I said to tease my sister and the Morreti's. "morning"  Ares, Sandro, Gianna and Iris said at the same time.
Via and I burst out into laughter. "Isis you did that on purpose" Via said playfully slapping my shoulder. "I just had to see who's going to answer because Ares and Sandro are both called Don and Gianna and Iris are both called Donna" I said in between my laughs "I think I'm gonna try that one day" Via said causing me to laugh.

"Bring breakfast in please" Iris said to the maid who was standing by the door. "Si, Donna" she said and walked out of the room. "see what I mean Via" I said pointing to the maid and everyone in the room including the gaurds chuckled. "I see what you mean Ice" Via said. "Ice?" Ares questioned in an amused tone. "yes, Ice" I said  "and for the record no one is aloud to call me Ice except Via and  Daniel" I said point and everyone. "okay Ice" Ares dramatically causing everyone to laugh again.

The maids came in with our breakfast. We were having pancakes with serup. "Isis please don't make my shirt dirty" Ares said in cold tone noticing that I'm wearing one of his  shirts. "I'll try my best brother" I said sarcastically. We ate breakfast then the maids came and took our plates when we were done.

"So what is everyones plans for the day?" Sandro asked. "Legal business" Iris said. "illegal business" both me and Via said. "I'm going to a Fashion show with Iris" Ares said. "I have to train new recruites at the warehouse" Gianna said. "okay, I'll just be busy with work in my office" Sandro said.
"Hey Via" I said facing her. "yes?" she answered also looking at me. "since we're both going to maybe do the same thing can we like go together, I mean we can start at were ever you're needed then go check out my father's business that I need to take care of?" I said kind of like begging her to come with me.
"okay Ice, we can go together." she said smiling.

*miss girl has dimples*
-I can see that, I'm not blind-
-shut up-
*so do you only want to go with her because your papa said you need to make sure this alliance thing happens? *
-yes and no-
*explain please*
- I was gonna ask her anyway because she seems cool and yes because papa needs this alliance to happen-

"Isis, Gianna and Octavia please help me choose an outfit for today's fashion show because I don't know what to fucken wear" Iris begged. "LANGUAGE!" Sandro said. "sorry papa I'm just stressed" she apologized.
"yea but you've been using that kind of language since you got here, is everything alright dear?" Sandro asked a bit worried. "I think I'm just a bit stressed about everything but I'll be fine" she said reassuring Sandro.

"okay princess you and your sister should go look for an outfit" Sandro said dramatically earning a chuckle from Iris. "Isis and Via I need a favor"  Gianna said making  everyone face her. "we're all ears" Via said.

"I need models for a photo shoot, and Iris was supposed to be part of this photo shoot but she'll be at the fashion show with Ares" she said"A-and... " I cut her off" you need me to pose as Iris at the photo shoot because we're identical twins" I said looking at her straight in the eyes "right?" I continued. "yes" she  said.
"okay I'll pull up after checking up on my  father's business" I said in a bored tone. "same" said Via. "okay Iris get up you need to get dressed" I said snapping my fingers and getting up from my seat. "yes come on time is money" Via said also leaving her seat. "yup you two are totally the same" person"  Sandro commented making everyone chuckle.

Myself, Octavia, Gia and Iris went to Iris and Areses bedroom. And went into their walk in closet and I made myself comfortable on the couch in their closet.

(hey readers🙃 I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it is a bit confusing for me but hey I'll make sure the next one is better than this one😁 please don't forget to vote and share my story❤️❤️)

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