chapter one:

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//FOR ANYONE COMPLAINING: am i alive? yes. will i be updating any of my other books? er.... prolly not :)//


ƇӇƛƤƬЄƦ ƠƝЄ: "but I'm mistaken, it's only the echo of you and i'm not sleeping now that you're gone"

Rick wakes to the hazy memory of Carl crying beside his bed, Shane placing his grandmother's blue vase filled with flowers onto the bedside table and an omega peering down at him curiously, murmuring a soft, "poor Alpha, I hope you wake up soon."

"Omega," he rasps, throat tight and mouth dry. He struggles to breathe, inhaling the lingering scent of woods after rainfall; electrifying, like ozone. The omega's scent is fresh and clean, smelling of no one else but himself.

Rick turns to look to his side, his body aches and feels foreign, muscles feeling like lead. The flowers on the bedside table are dried and when Rick lifts a heavy hand to touch one of the fallen petals it crunches between his fingers. Odd, he thinks.

He moves his gaze across the room and finds generic hospital furniture, his deputy bag on the floor and a note attached to a water bottle and two granola bars sitting innocently on the visitors chair beside his bed.

Rick gently lifts the note; 'for when you wake up,' it reads. There's a small smiley face in the corner and he brings it up to his nose to sniff at, frowning when his nose tubes get in the way. He pulls them out abruptly, not caring what the nurses and doctors will say about it later. He sniffs at the note again. The scent of ozone is a little stronger on the paper and a deep rumble vibrates from within his chest. My omega, he thinks with a vicious type of possessiveness, need to find my omega. 

"Nurse," Rick calls, voice still raspy, barely above a whisper. He folds the note and places it back onto the visitor chair. "Nurse!"

Nothing. No one answers him. Rick looks at his iv and finds the area around the needle awfully red. The monitors that are supposed to be beeping and making their usual annoying noises are quiet, too. He turns towards the clock. The handles aren't moving. The Alpha licks over his dried lips. Somethin's not right.

Cautiously, he tries to move himself into a sitting position. Rick's partially healed bullet wound on the side of his chest aches and pulls and sweat starts to break out all over his skin. He groans, moving ever so slowly. Once he's sitting and breathing heavily, almost like he's run a marathon, he pulls at the iv in his hand and throws it to the ground, annoyed.

Reaching for the water bottle, Rick wastes no time in downing it. The coolness soothes his irritated throat. Pausing, he realises that the omega must have been here not long ago, if the water is still cool. Rick screws the cap back on. He needs to get up and get out, look for the omega with the electrifying scent and look for Carl, his pup.

Getting out of the hospital bed is a harder task than Rick expected it to be. His muscles just don't cooperate like they used to and he ends up on the floor, curled around himself and in pain. His shoulder burns and his chest aches, shooting pain up and down. He feels like he's on fire.

Getting on his knees is easier. He ignores the pain, grits his teeth and pulls his deputy bag towards himself. He unzips it and finds another note.

''sorry, borrowed a shirt. left behind one of my knives as compensation. make sure to return it to me :)'

Rick snorts. He rifles through the bag, finding a pair of his jeans, boots, some underwear and socks, along with a flannel and underneath all that, a silver throwing knife with a thin, black handle. He picks it up, eyeing the carved artwork in the steel. It looks like some sort of symbol wrapped up in flames.

wildest dreams ━ rick grimes × male!ocजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें