chapter ten:

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ƇӇƛƤƬЄƦ ƬЄƝ: "i watch the moon, let it run my mood, can't stop thinking of you."

The sun sets, casting a soft orange and pink glow over the quarry. Rick walks with Ren around the lake, the mix of grass and sand crunching underneath their shoes quietly. They find an appropriate spot to bathe in, a corner of the lake surrounded by smooth, small rocks, the area hidden enough to keep them out of sight. 

"I'll go first," says Ren, placing his dark green messenger bag atop the rocks. He unzips his black hoodie and shrugs it off, folding it onto the bag, "you can keep watch." 

Rick does watch, and with rapt attention, mesmerised by the flash of tanned skin he gets to see when Ren lifts the hem of his cotton shirt. He's struck by the thought of licking his omega's skin and wonders if it would taste just like his scent; electrifying and fresh. 

Ren pauses and turns to give Rick a flat look, almost like he knows. "Not me," he says, a little amused, "watch the others. I don't want them stumbling down here and seeing me fucking naked." 

"R… right," Rick nods, tearing his gaze away from the strip of tanned skin beneath Ren's shirt. He sits down on one of the rocks, placing two towels and a pair of jeans Glenn had given him onto his lap. He faces away from the lake and listens to the sound of clothes rustling, the water rippling as Ren slowly eases in, the cap of the borrowed shampoo bottle being opened. His omega makes a soft, satisfied noise and Rick's tongue turns heavy in his mouth, thoughts going astray once again. 

He scrubs a hand down his face and concentrates on keeping watch. Rick can just about see the camp; Andrea and Amy showing off the fish they've caught, Jacqui carrying a large pot to the firepit and Carl coming out of the tent, having placed Ren's other bag inside. 

"Pass me a towel," says Ren, the water sloshing loudly as he moves around. Rick holds the towel blindly behind him, keeping his stare fixed on the camp just like he'd been told to. 

Ren takes the towel with a quiet, "thanks," slipping out of the lake and onto the rock just behind Rick. He fumbles with his bag for a moment, pulling out spare clothes and dresses into them quickly. "I'm done," he quietly voices. 

Rick turns to look at him. His omega is putting his converse back on, tying the shoelaces up. He's dressed in some cotton shorts now and an oversized navy shirt that looks awfully familiar; the sleeves reach past his elbows and the hem skirts over his thighs, making him look smaller than he really is. 

The alpha's gaze moves to follow a trail of droplets sliding down Ren's slim, un-collared neck, and at the same time he pushes the towel and jeans off his lap, ready to move. 

Transfixed, Rick reaches out to gently brush Ren's bangs out of his face. He then slides his palm along the back of his omega's damp nape, curling his fingers into the long wet hair he finds there. He tugs experimentally, rumbling deeply when Ren exposes the tanned length of his neck, unmarked, baredevoid of a collar, ready for Rick to claim. 

"Where is it?" He asks, voice barely above a whisper, his control on the verge of snapping when Ren whines, blushing all the way to the tips of his ears, settling into his hand like he knows he belongs there. "Your collar," Rick trembles, his voice deep and husky, unrecognisable even to his own ears, "where is it?"

Ren swallows. "Bag,'' he answers hoarsely. "Didn't want to get it wet." 

"Okay," says Rick, "just…" He trails off, breathing in the scent of salty ozone, a mixture of lightning and thunder, the lake, and something sweet from the borrowed shampoo. He squeezes his eyes shut, presses his forehead against Ren's own and murmurs, breathless, with his heart speeding up, "just need a moment." 

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