chapter fifteen:

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I'm here and I'm sorry for the late update! I've made this chapter a little longer to make up for the fact that I'm shitty at updating 🙃 a fact that will literally never change about me 😭

Chapter Fifteen: "Red lips and you're sinking your finger tips. I don't want the truth when I'm with you."

The air is sticky. The sun is scorching. By some miracle, the plan to retrieve Rick's bag of guns goes smoothly. With the short mission finished, the four wolves move back into the office building, quietly and efficiently making their way back to Ren. 

"Here," Glenn murmurs, pausing at the bottom of a stairway. He unzips the bag of guns and pulls out a stenson, holding both the items out for Rick to take. 

"Thank you," Rick says quietly, meaning it. He places his stenson onto his head and throws the duffle bag over his good shoulder, zipping it closed. He pats Glenn on the shoulder with gratitude and motions for the kid to continue walking.  

It's not long before they stumble upon Ren who, despite Rick telling him to stay put, is out in the middle of the hallway eating what seems to be a packet of potato chips. 

"What?" Ren's face is the perfect picture of innocence, voice light, childish, pink tongue peeking out to lick over the crumbs on his lips, "I got hungry and found the lunch room." 

Rick gives his omega a look and gets the exact same one in return. He should have known Ren wouldn't stay in one place for more than five minutes. "Brat," he mutters, ignoring Merle's snort and Daryl's amused mumble of 'pup takes after his ma, huh?'

"What else was there?" Glenn asks, interest piqued. He sniffs the air and then scrunches up his nose, not liking whatever scent he's caught. 

"Like a shit ton of candy," Ren answers, already moving down the hallway to show them what he'd found, "some cereal, but like, not the good kind and, er," he says, opening the door to the lunch room, "just like heaps of tupperware filled with expired food in the fridge, so, don't open that, I guess." 

"Oh, god," Glenn whispers, holding a hand over his mouth and nose. Beside him, Merle makes a face and Daryl raises his shoulders to his ears, looking suddenly uncomfortable. 

Closing the door behind him, Rick follows the group's line of sight, only to find a mangled corpse in the corner of the room. There's blood splattered across the walls and the woman's torso is ripped open, guts spilling out and ribs gleaming white. There's an empty cavity where her heart once sat and in her lap, her decapitated head rests almost peacefully. 

Despite the fact that there's literally a dead body in the room, the air smells nothing like it. Instead, it smells of flowers and cinnamon, dish soap and a sharp, tang-like chemical that might be bleach. 

Rick tilts his head. 

He's imagining Lori in the place of this dead woman, only his kill won't be so messy and unpracticed

"Yeah," Ren says, munching on a potato chip loudly, "I, uh, may or may not have forgotten to mention the," he pauses, swallowing; "the, uh, woman with a decapitated head and missing heart. Which wow." He shrugs, not looking the least bit affected by the corpse. "That's a fucking bummer, huh guys?''

Glenn, horrified, can't seem to look away from the dead woman. "I think I'm gonna hurl." 

"Hold it in," Daryl grunts. He grabs a hold of Glenn's shirt and hauls him to the other side of the kitchen. He makes the younger male face the wall and even settles a hand onto his back to try and calm him down. 

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