chapter twenty-two:

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enjoy this, you losers 😭
and for the love of god, let me LIVE


Chapter Twenty-Two: "the only heaven I'll be sent to, is when I'm alone with you."

The kitchen fills with the scent of mouth watering food, soft and heady, as it permeates through the air and Rick takes a sip of his wine, hiding a smile behind the rim of the glass. Ren is sitting to his left, with Carl in between them, the pup happily munching on his mac n’ cheese. 

There's a warm, cosy-like atmosphere in the kitchen and Rick hesitantly basks in it. Amy and Andrea are gossiping about something scandalous by the looks of it, and Glenn is drinking with the Dixon brothers. 

The rest are chatting amongst themselves and Rick is slightly surprised to see everyone in such a good mood, considering their current situation. 

“You know, in Italy, children have a little bit of wine with dinner.” Dale says, giving Rick a mischievous glance across the table. “And in France,” he adds, giving the same look to Ren. 

Carl perks up, licking leftover sauce from the corner of his mouth. “Can I try?” He asks, peering up at Rick with his best puppy eyes. He turns to Ren next and tugs on his hoodie, curling his mouth into a little pout, all adorable and soft, whining, “momma.” 

“I dunno, puppy,” Ren smiles, making crinkles appear beside his grey eyes. 

“What’s it gonna hurt?” Rick asks, amused, watching his omega and pup interact so sweetly. “Come on.” 

“Oh, this’ll be good,’’ T-dog voices, catching everyone's attention. 

“Please, momma?” Carl begs, exaggerating his pout. He tugs on his mother's hoodie once more and makes his bottom lip quiver. Rick is awfully reminded of Ren giving him the same look and is ever so thankful for not being on the receiving end of it. 

A scoff leaves Ren's mouth. He narrows his eyes playfully. “Who taught you that look?” 

“You did, momma,” Carl replies innocently, making Rick laugh. 

There's a few chuckles around the room as Ren, smiling that soft smile of his, hands over his glass of wine to their triumphant seven year old. The pup takes a small sip and immediately makes a face, scrunching up his nose in disgust. 

Ugh,” Carl sticks his tongue out. “That's yucky.” 

“Better stick to soda, then,” Ren says, taking the glass of wine away from Carl. 

“Not you, Glenn,” Daryl grins, pouring the omega more alcohol. 

“What?” Glenn slurs, already blinking slowly. 

“Keep drinking, little man,” Daryl teases, “I wanna see how red yer face can get.” 

There's a good natured laugh from Merle and then everyone is returning to their respective speaking groups. Amy giggles at something Andrea says and opposite them, Carol covers her daughter's ears with a flushed expression. 

Slowly, Rick returns his gaze to Ren who's already looking at him with a soft expression. Besotted and completely awestruck by his omega's beauty, Rick reaches over the top of Carl’s chair and curls his hand along the side of Ren’s neck, gently stroking his thumb just beneath the omega's jawline, slow and loving, scenting him easily in the process. 

Like always, Ren leans into the touch. His cheeks colour pink and so do the tips of his ears ━ he’s cute and pretty and absolutely perfect. 

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