Chapter 60

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I was placed on a large bed in what looked to be their pack house, immediately different men and women began running around to try to get me things I needed. The hazel eye girl remained with me as she sat next to me on the bed, grabbing a cloth and soaking it in water before she rang it out and began to wipe at my forehead with soft gentle sweeps.

The room was dim except for the large window to my left that allowed some light in from the quickly fading sun. There was a large archway directly in front of me that led to a hallway that I couldn't see the end of.

I looked to the hazel eyed girl as she gave out a few orders, asking for towels and medication as a man ran off to grab them.

"What's your name?" I asked her through my labored breaths as a layer of sweat coated all of my skin.

She looked down at me with soft eyes, "Alora. If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" I could tell she was hesitant to ask as she removed her eye contact and instead focused on the towel that she was soaking.

"Adalyn." I watched her eyes slightly widen before she turned to look at me.

"Like the mate of Roman Blue, Adalyn?" She softly questioned, her hands pausing their movement with a soft tremble.

"Yes, and his kids would like to come out of me now." I groaned as another contraction hit, my fingers gripping the soft bed sheets under me.

"Oh my god." she gasped, her hands beginning to slightly shake, "we have warriors still attacking your pack right now!"

I looked at her sharply, my eyes narrowing, "I don't care who does it, but someone needs to recall all those warriors right fucking now." I growled, reaching up and grabbing onto her shoulder tightly as I threw my head back in pain.

She gulped and nodded quickly standing up getting ready to run out of the room, "Alora," I called out as she spun around and looked at me expectantly, "And get me my fucking mate!"

She nodded her head and bolted out of the room. I attempted to mind link Roman but to no avail as it still didn't work. It wasn't long until Alora came back, a tall brooding man on her heels as they quietly argued back and forth lowly under their breaths.

I picked up on the end of their conversation as I heard the male say, "I don't care who you think she is, I follow Titus' orders only, you know that Alora." My eyes snapped to his as I scanned his face, he was definitely older as the fine wrinkles on his face were not so easily hid by the dim light. He entered the room behind Alora as she moved out of the way to present him to me.

"Alpha this is our General, Vance. He's the only one who can recall the warriors right now in your current state."

I glanced at Vance and watched as he crossed his arms over his chest and stared down at me with a skeptical glance. I glared up at him, sitting up as a groan left my lips.

"General Vance, apparently I'm now your alpha." I said, watching his expression carefully. "If you want to go against my orders then by all means go ahead and see what happens. But believe me you do not want to get on my bad side, especially as I am about to give birth to my pups and will rip anyone's head off who tries to get between me and my family." I growled out, watching as an expression of recognition seem to spread over his face like a wildfire.

"Cain Vaughan." He uttered, a state of shock present on his face as he gently took a step towards me. I looked at him warily, refusing to take my eyes off of him as Alora let out a soft gasp.

"Who?" I asked watching as Vance got lost in his own mind.

"Your father, Cain Vaughan." He mumbled, looking at me with an unknown emotion. His words caused a feeling of nauseousness to hit me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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