Chapter 54

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After Roman had signed all of my discharge papers, the doctor went through an excessive after care process to make sure I fully healed and stayed healthy. He told Roman and I that I wasn't allowed to get out of bed by myself and no excess walking. I was basically a prisoner to my bed until the pups were born.

He also told Roman that the pack witch would be sent to our home on a weekly basis to preform a cleansing ritual to ensure the hex has no lasting affects.

As the first week went by, I enjoyed being in bed, not having to do anything. Roman stayed by my side as much as he could besides from the few meetings he needed to attend to. During those rare moments either Berlin or Sasha would come up and keep me company, but most of the time he would bring his work into our room and work at his desk as I stayed in bed and read a book or just studied him.

Even going to the bathroom was a challenge as Roman wouldn't even let me walk across the bedroom to it, he would lift me up in his arms and carry me. Once we made it in the bathroom he very reluctantly let me sit on the toilet by myself, making sure my feet never touched the floor.

As the second week rolled around I got more bored as I practically groaned and rolled around every two seconds. Roman sat at his desk with an intrigued look on his face as he peered at me over his laptop, his crystal eyes narrowing on me as one of his perfectly arched eyebrows was raised.

I just gave him a pleading look as he rolled his eyes, his eyes scanning his desk before he fell upon Monara's journals and paperwork. He gathered them in his hands before he walked over to me and plopped them on to my lap.

"Here, go through these if you're so bored. But the moment you get stressed out you stop and tell me." He said as my eyes lit up with excitement.

I practically ignored his words as my hands immediately grabbed on to the journals and paperwork, flipping one of the journals open. Before I could begin to read, Roman's large palm cupped my chin and forced me to look up at him as he stared down at me with a serious expression.

"Am I understood Adalyn?" He asked once again, his eyes darkening as he narrowed them at me.

"Yes Roman." I grumbled, pouting out my lips.

"Good." He mumbled, leaning down and kissing the top of my head before he walked back over to his desk, plopping into his desk chair.

I once again happily grabbed on to the paperwork, grabbing the journal I had opened and began reading. I took a deep breath as I read about his diet, babies and blood. It made my skin crawl just thinking about the dinner plate that I saw.

I placed the journal down knowing I would never be able to get through it without stressing out. I picked up a few pieces of paperwork as I began to read through them.

Immediately familiar words began to pop out at me, the Yellow-Stone pack. My eyebrows furrowed as I read letters back and forth from Monara and the current Alpha of the pack. They talked about joining forces with one another as Monara bribed them into an alliance saying he could get back their land that they lost to Roman.

"Roman..." I called, my eyes never leaving the paper as I gently furrowed my eyebrows.

"What baby?" He calmly asked, once again getting up and coming over to me.

He sat down next to me on the bed, his warmth immediately transferring to me as he looked over my shoulder and read the piece of paper I was holding. I watched as his face immediately furrowed as a scowl was placed on his face. His eyebrows were drawn together in a tight embrace, the tips of my fingers immediately coming up to run along his brow bone to soothe the tension.

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