it's not your fault

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Warnings: homophobia, body shaming, very controlling parents.
Age: 16

*Scarlett and reader work together. She's not the Mom.

My relationship with my parents is very up and down. By that I mean, as long as I'm doing well in school and not getting into any trouble we get along just fine. The moment I do something that doesn't meet their unrealistic standards, I'm told I'm a disappointment and need to get my self together before they kick me out.

It's never happened before, but I know they mean it.

"Y/N, come set the table please!" My mother yells from the kitchen to the living room as I'm sat on the couch doing my homework.
My parents don't allow me to do my homework in my room because they don't trust me enough to actually be doing it.

"Coming!" I say, standing up and taking a deep breath before I walk into the kitchen. "What are we eating?" I question. "Salad."
"Is that it?"
"For you it is. You don't need anymore carbs," she tells me, tossing the salad up in the bowl.

I look at her out the corner of my eye, swallowing harshly. Ignoring the statement, I take out three plates and start to set the dining table.

We eat in silence as per usual and once I'm finished with my salad, I try to excuse myself. "Not so fast. We have something we need to ask you," my Dad admits, dropping his fork.

I slowly sit back down. "What is it?"

"One of your friends, Asha, stopped by when you weren't home. Why don't we know about her? You know we have a rule," he scolds. "I guess I forgot to tell you," I shrug.
"That's not a good enough reason, Y/N."
"Well what do you want me to say?" I raise my voice. I'm so tired of how controlled I am by my parents still.

"You know that we have to meet all your friends so that we can make sure you're hanging out with the right kind of people," he explains. "Oh my god! I'm nearly seventeen years old, Dad! I would understand if she was my girlfriend or something, but it's ridiculous how controlling you are!"

"She better not be your girlfriend, Y/N," my Mom scolds. "Why is that?" I groan, throwing my head into my hands. "Because you can't be gay."

"Who's says?" I yell, slamming my hands down on the table.

My parents share a look between each other. "Are you trying to tell us that you're a lesbian?" Dad asks, his tone slightly aggressive. "So what if I am? I don't understand what the big deal is."
"You know that it's a sin, right?"
"How? It's not like I can change it, because trust me, I've tried!"

"Who have you become, Y/N? This is ridiculous," she shakes her head, disappointment written all over her face. My Dad's face isn't much different.

"I'm the same Y/N I've always been," I say, tears slipping down my cheeks. "No, you're not. Our Y/N wouldn't do something like this," Dad voices. "Like what?"

"Get out," Mom orders coldly.


"Get out of my house. You're no longer welcome here."

"Mom, no. You can't do this!" I sob, watching her stand up from the chair.
Grabbing me by the forearm, she drags me upstairs to my bedroom and throws a suitcase on my bed. "Pack your things."

Before I get a word in, she leaves, slamming the door behind her.

I sit myself down on my bed, sobbing into my hands as I try to slow my breathing. "This can't be happening," I whisper to myself over and over.


Not knowing where to go, I took and Uber to Scarlett's home, crying the whole ride there. My driver at least passed me back a box of tissues which was kind of him.

I knocked on the door and when she opened it, her face immediately became worried. "What happened, sweetheart?" She questions, wrapping her arms around me tightly.

"Can I please stay here for a while?" I ask before breaking out into a sob again. "Oh honey, of course," she tells me, resting her chin on the top of my head as she gently rocks me side to side. 

I feel my breathing becoming more shallow, which Scarlett immediately notices. "Honey, can you take some deep breaths for me?" She asks, pulling away from the hug and cupping my face in her hands.

My lips quiver as the tears continue to slip down my face and neck. "I can't," I cry. "Yes you can, baby. Just follow me, okay?"

After many attempts, my breathing is finally back to normal. Somewhat at least.
"What happened, Y/N?" She asks concernedly. "I came out to my parents and they kicked me out," I explain as she wipes my tears.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. It's going to be okay, you're safe here. You're safe with me," she assures me, tears in her eyes, "You stay as long as you want, okay? Even if that means forever."

"Thank you," I mumble, holding back the tears that are still begging to fall. "Come on, let's go inside," she smiles gently, taking my suitcase and holding my hand.

"Have you had dinner?" She asks, closing the door behind her. "I had some salad," I shrug. "Are you still hungry?"
I nod, so she brings me into the kitchen. "I have leftover curry, or frozen pizza, or I can make you some pasta?" She offers.

"Pizza sounds good," I admit, managing a small smile. "Alright, I'll put it in the oven and whilst it's cooking, we can get you settled into the guest room."

After doing exactly that, we sat on the couch together and ate our pizza. "Y/N, it's not your fault. You know that, right?" She speaks, her tone affirming.
I shrug in response.
"Honey, look at me. You did absolutely nothing wrong. You're allowed to love whoever the hell you want, okay. You are one of the most beautiful people I know, and your sexuality doesn't change that."

Knowing that if I verbally respond, I'll start crying again, I decide to put my plate down and instead rest my head on her shoulder.

"I love you, Scarlett," I mumble. "I love you too, sweetheart."

this is one of my least favourite one shots I've written but we move

also not proofread cause I'm feeling tired and lazy

Scarlett Johansson x Daughter One ShotsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara