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I never meant to ruin your life
All I was trying to do was making you happy, that's all I've ever wanted.
Little did I realize I was destroying everything that was important to you.
All I wanted was to just be with you all the time, I wanted to see you smile
See you laugh
I never meant to make you give up everything you cared about for me.
I wish I could turn back time and do everything differently.
I wouldn't have been so clingy
So needy
So obsessed.
And ever since you told me what I did, I feel like I can't breathe. My chest is always tight. I always feel like crying.
I want to make it better but I just don't know how..
I feel like there's nothing I can do to make it better..
I feel so hopeless..
I'm sorry you ever met me..
I'm sorry I ruined your life..

I Really Love You but I'm Bad with Words so Here You GoWhere stories live. Discover now