Not Worth The Effort

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I know now that I'm not worth the effort.
If my own parents couldn't love me, why did I expect you to?
You made me realize I'm not worth the time.
If you were really my friend, I'd you really cared, you would've put in the effort to keep me in your life.
But look at us now
I did everything to fix us, to fix this. And you didn't even care. Not one bit.
You say you can't have a connection when I'm not there, but is that really true?
Was it true when I was being vulnerable and showing my skin to you?
Was it true when you got something in return?
I was just a toy you played with and then got bored of. That you left on the shelf to collect dust.
You have a new shiny toy now. But will you eventually get bored of her too? Or was I just not good enough for you?
All I did was be a good person to you. I would've done anything for you. Will she do the same? Would she be selfless like I was?
Doing things for you without expecting anything in return?
Maybe one day you'll realize that you really had it all, and you took it for granted. Left it to die.
When she leaves, you'll be left with nothing.
All because you put everything into her.
But you want to know the sadness part?
Even after everything you've done to hurt me, I would still come running back into your arms if you wanted me to.

I Really Love You but I'm Bad with Words so Here You GoWhere stories live. Discover now