How could you

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You have no idea how much it hurts
Every time I think of you it feels like a thousand knives are stabbing me in the chest.
Every time I see your face or hear your name my eyes start to fill with tears.
How did this end up this way?
I wish you could've just talked to me about it. I wish you could've just communicated how you felt this whole time.
Was I that unimportant? That replaceable? That you left me here alone, for her. We've been through so much together. We've been friends for so long.
You've known her such a short time.
How could you choose her over me?
Why can't you just choose me?
Why can't someone just choose me for once?
Am I that unlovable?
That much of a burden?
All I wanted was to be your friend. That's all I've ever been to you. I've been such a good friend to you and you decide to throw it all away for her.
Because of you, I'm never getting close to anyone ever again. I don't want to go through this pain again.

I Really Love You but I'm Bad with Words so Here You GoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin