Unanswered Questions

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I'm drowning in my mind.
I'm drowning in my thoughts.
I try to look for an exit, but I'm so lost.
I try to look for a light, but there's no way out.
Where am I? What is this place?
This isn't me, this isn't who I am. This isn't familiar at all.
I'm lost.
What do I do?
Where do I go?
How do I get back home?
I don't know where to go.
Everything around me is shattering.
Like brittle glass.
Who is the me I've become?
How did this happen?
Will I ever go back to being the me I once knew?
I ask myself all these questions.
But there are no answers.
No one knows how it feels to be me.
They don't understand.
The only one who knows me is me.
But I'm starting to doubt that lately.
I don't even know myself anymore.

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