Chapter One

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Anya Forger stepped off the bus onto Eden Academy grounds. The prestigious school the elite and wealthy children attended. A hard school to achieve acceptance to without the right connections, lineage, or status. But with a lot of hard work, Loid Forger had managed to enrol his daughter here.

Anya wasn't going to waste it. She reaffirmed herself, as she found Becky, one of the aforementioned elite, and best friend, waiting eagerly.

"Anya!" She exclaimed happily, crushing her ribs in a tight hold.

"Becky." She greeted, but it sounded more like a rasp. She wheezed as Becky released her to walk together to class. Becky started talking a mile a minute, leaving Anya to catch a few words here and there.

'Right.' Anya thought, while trying to appear invested in Becky's ramblings. 'Today is the day! Today Plan B will be a success! For World Peace!'

To which she referred to was of course the 'Friendship Scheme' she read about in her Papa's mind. To get close to Damian Desmond and use him to breach peace through his father. Avoiding a war through as little bloodshed as possible. Donovan Desmond was so elusive they didn't have many options.

She was helping her Papa as much as she could, unbeknownst to her father, but Sy-on boy was an idiot so it wasn't going very well.

The other plan. Plan A. Was for Anya to become an imperial scholar so Loid could meet Donovan at an event that only Imperial Scholars and their parents attended. But Papa didn't think it likely, so he procured Plan B.

"Bleh." Becky stuck her tongue out at Damian as he descended the steps to their left. She had obvious distaste for the boy and wasn't afraid to let him know.

Damian's face flashed red with anger at Becky as he gritted his teeth.

"Hey!" Emile defended him. "That's no way to treat a Desmond!" He shouted before Damian could say anything. Emile and Ewen never faltering to jump to their 'boss's' aid.

'Ah! Anya thought. Now was her chance as the children hurled insults at each other. "Sy-on boy!" She pointed confidently, ready to smash his hatred of her to pieces.

"W-what!" Damian asked, her gaze unwavering, determined and self-assured. It threw him off, they way she spoke as if throwing the nickname back at him. Compelled him to stand and watch as she dug into her bag.

She proudly produced a first place ribbon from an art competition they had in class. She had worked so hard on that drawing of Penguin and Chimera. It was the best one, the ribbon proved it. If this didn't change his mind, she would be shocked. "Heh." She smiled, victory nearly in her grasp, as she predicted the outcome.

"Wow!" Imaginary Sy-on boy exclaimed in admiration. "Your more impressive than I thought! Your drawing is amazing! Come to my house and meet my father!" The scene turned to Loid accompanying her to the Desmond home. "You're daughter is quite lovely! Let's negotiate peace!" Donovan said to Loid. Mission Complete!

"Great job Anya! You saved the world!" Loid praised her.

Anya was sure this was the way it would go, staring Desmond in the eye, daring him to refute it.

He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it wasn't this trifle of an award that she held up so proudly. "Yeah, so what?" He said, truly not intent on being mean, but thoroughly unimpressed.

SHOCK! Anya was aghast, despair sending her knees to the ground. The plan a failure. Where did she go wrong?

Damian decided to walk away before the feeling in his gut got any heavier as Emile and Ewen mocked her. "Just as you'd expect from Lord Damian! Uggo! Shrimp!" They called at her as they followed after the Desmond boy.

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