Ch. 19: Part Two

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Anya Forger stepped off the bus onto Eden Academy grounds. An eternity since she'd been here to her limited perception of time, the motion of alighting that last step, feeling surreal.

She had no more than two seconds to take in the familiar surroundings before Becky assailed her, a scarce glimpse of hair and fabric as she bowled into Anya. Becky cried at the sight of the young Forger she now held tight.

"Anyaaaaaa!!!!! I missed you so muuuch!" Becky wailed. The call that told her Anya was coming today had been an elated moment.

"Beckyyy!" She cried back, returning the hug.

"I was so worried! We couldn't find you! I'm so glad you're okaaay!" Blackbell blubbered, hanging onto Anya for a good long minute. She never wanted to worry if she was alive or dead ever, ever again. Never wanted to let go of her ever, ever again.

"Beckyyy." Anya repeated, not caring she was unashamedly bawling.

"I'm—I'm sorry I couldn't protect you like I promiiiised!." Becky sobbed, an irrational guilt lodged in her gut.

"It's not youur fauuult!"

"Never disappear ever again, okaaay?" Becky's crying was muffled as she buried her face in Anya's shoulder.

"Okaaay." She promised.

"Never, ever agaaain." Becky said and intended to hold her fast to the ironclad agreement, a semblance of comfort that she had it. A semblance of relief that buried her anxiety as she clung to Anya, reluctant to release the small girl. Her physical assurance this wasn't a dream.

She clung to Anya for a couple minutes that felt like hours, until she was able to compose herself and dry her red eyes. Her face was a little puffy when she pulled away.

Anya was in a similar state as they considered each other and wiped at their cheeks.

"You look terrible." Becky giggled, a haphazard swipe at her jaw.

"You look terrible." Anya giggled, a sleeve to her eye.

Becky laughed and she cleared her face one more time. She held her hand out for Anya's who didn't think twice as she took it.

The material that was wrapped around Anya's palms was immediately noticed in Becky's own. The texture of thick gauze that wound it's way to the base of the fingers was soft and dense.

"Anya?" Becky lifted forger's hands. "What happened? Are you okay?" She asked, smile falling.

"Anya. . . Anya fell and scraped them." She lied as well as she could, a chagrined smile to brush it off as an arm was hid behind her back out of Becky's grasp.

She would never tell her the real reason she'd refused Becky's visits. That her uniform covered the bandages she hid from her.

She knew Becky didn't completely buy it, but Becky went with it and sighed at Anya's clumsiness. "You really should be more careful." She said turning them towards the stairs where the school's gate proudly stood at the top. They reached half-way when the bell rang, signalling school was starting soon. "AH! Anya, run!" Becky bolted into action, the warning giving her speed. The refusal to gain any of the three tardies that earned a tonitrus bolt, spurring her on. The race through the grounds and corridors in reckless abandon was motivated by it. Their classroom, nearly overshot as they skidded to a stop, panting for breath.

After a second of rest, Forger followed Blackbell's example as she fixed her posture and steadied her breathing. The tear through the halls, disregarded, to walk inside with the utmost grace.

The Hall fell quiet at Anya's entrance and it was astounding how unprepared she was for a supposedly simple action.

Many pairs of eyes landed on her in surprised curiosity that prickled at her skin. The motion of walking to her seat, heavier than it should've been. Her every step warned her not to meet their stares. To avoid their attention. To avoid one student's in particular who straightened at the sight of her pink hair.

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