Ch. 20: Part Two

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Twilight waited until Anya left the building to follow behind. Normally he liked her to go straight home after school, but it was Friday, and she had catching up to do with the Blackbell girl.

It was a constant debate wether he should've allowed her to go without him or Yor right beside her, but he knew it'd be fine. He was being finicky. As long as one of them was close enough, he could jump in if need be.

He parked a little ways away from Martha and donned a disguise. A security guard a simple task to pose as, and take a post inside the building.

He didn't enter the same area as Anya, but remained at a watchful distance. He could see her looking through clothes with Becky, but couldn't make out their words.

He went on with his first objective and ascertained exits and entry points. Where someone might come in any second and catch them off guard.

Twilight ran through several simulations of how he'd dispatch them, or simply take Anya and escape. He included Blackbell and Martha in these hypothetical situations, knowing he couldn't just leave them alone.

It was highly likely they would use them as leverage or hostages to get what they wanted, he couldn't risk it.

Twilight wasn't just worried about Kai, either. He'd found records of a few names and numbers involved with the lab. People who might know what the lab did, what Anya was. What if they came after her, too? He had to be prepared.

He'd shared this with Yor and she'd pointed out a name she recognized in his notes. A lady she'd "interrogated" and killed.

So, they most likely did.

Just because the lab was down, didn't mean she was safe. Not as safe as he'd like. She wouldn't be until they could deal with everyone who knew of the lab. It would be a constant danger in the future to look out for unless they got rid of them.

Yor was already readying for the questioning and disposing of bodies that would take place soon. She would get as much data as she could out of them before taking them out. It was the best lead they had so far to find the director, but knew it might be fruitless.

Vincent Chad hadn't had anything, and he'd employed their services.

Anya stepped into a changing room and he hoped she didn't know he was there. He wanted her to be able enjoy herself without feeling hovered over. He wanted her to enjoy just being with her friend and not worry about everything he was worrying about.

She didn't seem to notice him the entire afternoon though, and didn't look his way once. Didn't look his way when they went for ice cream after, and walked around the park for a bit.

Twilight trailed a ways behind in a new disguise. A position from which he could still see the enormous amount of peanut toppings Anya prioritized.

He studied each person the girls passed, each person ahead and behind them. Studied the trees where anyone could be watching.

When they went home, it was a load off his mind that they were no longer out in the open.

He didn't expect a shopping trip to be so stressful.


Just her luck.

Anya thought as she sat across from Damian in art class.

The teacher explained the project and what they'd be doing while Anya schemed for Plan B as she beheld the popsicle sticks and glue laid out before her group.

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