Ch. 17: Part Three

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He grimaced.

He put a hand on the knob.

He wanted to check on her, but she was probably still asleep. It had only been a couple hours, he didn't want to wake her. He was worried about what happened earlier, Anya dissolving into tears and panic by a mere question. He wouldn't have asked if he knew that was going to happen. He was also concerned it occurred in the first place. He couldn't for the life of him, imagine why it upset her. Why did she not want to say? Did she think he'd be angry? Did it involve the lab in some way? He couldn't figure how, but he couldn't rule it out, either.

A whisper sounded in the back of his head as he ignored it.

Loid turned to peek back at the siblings, drying their faces, a quiet conversation picking up as they calmed down. They seemed loser than they were before if that was possible.

Their heads turned to the sound of Anya's door opening, rubbing a sleepy eye as her head appeared.

"Anya, what are you doing up?" Loid asked, setting a hand in his pants pocket

"Anya's hungry." She yawned.

'She never did finish her dinner." He thought. "I'll warm up your leftovers, go and sit." He ruffled her hair, turning in the direction of the kitchen, Anya taking note of the Briars in the living room on her way to the table.

"Unkie." She observed.

His nose twitched. "Don't call me that." He grumbled. His eyes followed her as she sat, recently gathered info on his mind when he saw her. Inquiries to fill in some gaps. The second purpose to his visit.

He excused himself from Yor, regrettable as it was. "Chihuahua." Yuri stood to come join her at the table and sat down across from her. His elbows rested on the surface to lace his fingers "Do you mind if I ask you some questions about the lab?" He asked, all business now.

Yor stood instinctively, ready to intervene. Loid turned his head in the kitchen, pausing what he was doing.

Well, crap. Anya thought and she looked into Yuri's head before she answered, but it was hard. His thoughts raced with everything he'd learned and things he had to find out. He had a lot on his mind. She got out of there, quick.

"Like what. . . ?" She cautiously asked.

"A couple things. Do you know anything about the director?" He asked. Suspicions and facts didn't line up. The pink hair the director shared with Anya could be a coincidence, but it wasn't a common colour. Loid could by lying about his relation to his daughter and he would expose it.

There were questions for the Forger on his tongue as well. If Anya had been to the lab before, how did they get her back? Did she escape? He didn't know how the lab procured these kids, but surely Loid would have been searching for her. Put up missing posters, alerted the police. But when Yuri checked, there were no such records making him all the more suspicious.

These thoughts ran through Yuri's head while he waited for his niece to answer and hoped it would connect some dots. Loid and Yor nervously watched Anya for any signal to involve themselves. Her previous episode, alarming them heavily.

Anya made herself be calm. Yuri was just asking. He didn't know. She could give him pieces without him figuring it out. This was easier to deal with than what her Papa asked. The only reason she left her room, because she knew he wouldn't ask again.

"Maybe his name?" Yuri prompted.

Anya considered. She could give him his name, she thought. Nearly said it before it occurred to her. If they catch Kai, would he tell them who she really was? What she was? Would she be making this harder for herself if she gave him up? His lab was basically destroyed, he was done. Would it be so bad if she stayed quiet? Could he really hurt anyone else now?

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