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[Gore Warning for this and upcoming chapters.]
One month later...

Kin wears a blue academy uniform and roams the campus. Many youngsters laugh in ignorance as they chatter away. He wouldn't have thought of attending a normal school at the orphanage.

Unbelievable things happened in just a month. He coincidentally met a friend from his childhood before his village was raided and his parents killed, the friend is a rich person of partial nobility. Thus, after hearing about his problem the friend decided to help Kin.

During his time in school, he managed to bring several people with similar ideologies and experiences under his wing. His charisma played a huge part in this. His looks and polite positive personality ushered in the destruction of many peasants' stereotypes and even created a fan club for him.

Kin sits on a bench with some food in his hand. Two girl goes to sit beside him.

"Hello, Kin!" they say with blushing cheeks.

"Rosa, July, Hi!" Kin replies with a smile. 

"Where are the rest of your friends? You know, the group that always follows you around."

"They are training."

The girls nod and take out their lunch.

Suddenly, Kin felt an energy surge inside his coat. It's the communication orb that he carries.

"Excuse me for a minute," Kin says and leaves his lunch on the bench. He runs to the back of the campus, a secluded spot, and takes out the orb.

Kin rubs the orb, and after a while, a message plays.

"I am Arsto, listen carefully. The sky will soon be red and many people will die. You will feel several ominous energy by then from a small creature, and touching those will turn a person into a crazed maniac. Albeit demonic humans are immune, infected will still kill us. Hide underground for the time being. If you have someone you want to protect, avoid contact with any sort of bodily fluid from the maniacs. Stay safe. I will handle this." the message says.

"What?"  Kin mumbles.


He shoves the orb back into his coat and runs to the training hall.
He zooms past the two girls on the bench. "Kin?!"  Rosa and July exclaim.

"Guys!" Kin shouts, bashing the door open. A group of people is the only one diligently training in this large hall.

"Kin? What's wrong?" 


Kin looks around and gulps. "Uh..."

He doesn't know what is going but he trusts Samuel. 

"I can't explain but we need to hide." Says Kin.

"From what?"  a boy with long hair says.

"I'm not exactly sure as well but all of you trust me don't you?" Kin says and grabs the hand of the boy. The boy jolts at Kin's sudden advance and pulls his hand away.

"Don't suddenly grab me!" 




A large explosion occurs far away and the shockwave travels across the land.


The windows of the training hall were blown to pieces. A pillar of red shoots into the sky and spreads, enveloping the entire ocean and Rodgof.

Kin and his gang run out of the hall to stare at the disaster. Everyone in the vicinity has their eyes glued to the mystery.

"Kekeke..." a ragged boy snickers. His uniform is torn in tatters; it is obvious that he is bullied.

He takes a piece of paper out of his bag with the eye symbol drawn. Kin notices it and squeezes his eyes.

The bullied boy crumples the paper and grabs another student from behind before shoving the paper into his mouth.



The paper explodes in his mouth, causing massive amounts of small red individual worms to burst out from his mouth and nose.

"UCK ACK!?"  The affected student grasps his neck and coughs out the mysterious insect.

"Hey hey! What were you doing?"  A professor rushes in and helps the student up. Several other students tackle the bullied boy when he pulls out more paper from his coat.

"Now is not the time for pranks!" The professor says.

However, the bullied boy simply replies one thing. "Fuck off and die." 

Veins erect on the professor's face. "You-"

In that instance, the affected student from before gets up and draws his sword.


Lines of blood splatter on the ground. The affected student decapitated a girl beside him. On his face is a huge euphoric smirk.

"W-What? Hey!" 

Other professors near come ahead and apprehend the berserk student.
The bullied boy takes that chance of confusion and throws a pile of paper.
Worms erupt all around the yard and splatter on several people.

"Bastard! Enough is enough!"


The worms start to burrow themselves into their host.

"U-Uh...Hey! I can't get this thing off!" A student tries to brush and pull the worms off his body.

"Why is it burrowing itself inside? No no no! This is disgusting!"  a girl exclaims.

"Professor Ken, that thing is..." a woman holding the crazed student down says to the colleague beside her. A worm is burrowing itself into the colleague.

"It's alright, let's handle the situation first. Everyone! Stay away from the Worms and return home for today! Those affected go to the infirmary. " says Professor Ken.

Kin gulps and gestures to his group to follow him. "Let's go."

They run to the back of the training hall to escape through the back gate of the campus. Herds of screams and chaos echo from the yard as they leave.

After shuffling through the bushes and trees, Kin's group reaches the wall that separates them from the outside world. The back gate is near.

Kin can feel the same energy he feels from the worms from the gate and decides to climb the wall instead. His decision proves to be smart when three people are mercilessly beating a corpse at the gate. Guts threw everywhere. Head rolls. The metal gate is painted red. As if not enough, the three psychos dig into the corpse and tear it apart one by one.  Meat, intestines, everything.

He notices several other worms on the ground that wiggle toward his group.

"Don't touch those. I think they are the cause of this."  Kin says. His group is too shocked and confused to say anything, all can only nod their head.

The campus is located on a higher terrain than the city, giving Kin a view of the catastrophe.



Smoke fills the air accompanied by a constant explosion. He could see mages using their magic to torture victims while affected people use whatever methods they have to inflict pain on other people. A knight not too far tries to fend off a woman's attack. He stabs the woman but to no avail, she kept going after him with crimson eyes and a smile. In the end, the knight resorts to killing her just to be ambushed by another group of murderers.

The main crucial information Kin noticed is that the maniacs do not attack each other, only going after those unaffected.


I sigh as I stare at the sky with Jon, who trembles behind me.

"It has begun."

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