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We stroll down the mountain back to the town. I can check everyone's status screen from the organisation tab and notices the children and Liam hurt.

"Hey, are you guys okay?" I ask into the communication orb.

Jon taps my shoulder and points in front. Two survivors are ahead.

I put the communication orb back into my coat and bring up the gun.

The two men notice us and ready their respective weapons, one of them using a musket. When they notice my firearm, they throw their hand up. "Hey! We are normal!"


I put down my gun.

"Wait, how are we so sure?" asks Jon.

"The infected rarely use firearms that kill immediately. They prefer torturing and bathing in blood."

"Hi." The two men go up to us. "Did the both of you come from the fort? How is the situation up there?"

"Soldiers?" I ask them.

"No, his brother is." The man glances at his partner.

I sigh. "It's a bloodbath. A total massacre. We didn't stay long but everyone we saw is dead. How is the onslaught in the towns nearby?" 

"Bad. It happened so suddenly as the majority turns into crazy freaks. The government and the army aren't responding either."  the man says.

Tch, we removed as much drawing as we can but to no avail, looks like this is inevitable.

"Alright, thanks. We best be on our way." I say.

"Us too. Good luck." 

We exchange farewell and descend.

Liam's voice ejects from the orb, I pull it out and reply "Hey! Are you okay?"

"Yeah...huff...W-We hid in the basement under the tavern for now. But soon, they will find us. Some of us were injured. Lily was stabbed...Fuck..." says Liam.

I grit my teeth.


"Stay put. We are coming." 

"What? No no! Leave! Leave this fucking town."


"Arsto! Listen! Leave! Just...there's a route out of Rodgof at the south border to Elvis-"

"I'm not letting any of you die," I say. "I don't care if thousands or millions of strangers die but not a single one under me shall perish," I say firmly. Every single one of them is my valuable asset.





The connection cuts and I shove the orb back into my coat.

We squeeze and shuffle through the forest. The sight of smoke and fire comes into view.

"Wait, are we just going to barge in?"  Jon asks.

"We don't have a choice! They are attacking your siblings! We can only be their live bait!" I say. "Just...be my shield. That's what you've been training for." 

Jon gulps and nods.

"Save all your energy to defend and leave the killing to me,"  I say to Jon as we get to the outskirts of the town.

I pull out the Blade of Eternity and grip it on my right. My left holds the firearm.

A crazed woman not far sees us and grins. "Ah! My love!"  She says with a knife in her hand. "Give me a hug!" 

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