Mixed Emotions

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Ugh...my head...

Headache and nausea bombard my mind. Opening my eyes reveals a familiar ceiling. It's my room at Pole Ridge.


Memories of the past few days pour in. Although it feels natural, something is wrong.


"...That's right...I wanted to use another method since there was enough time." I mumble.

My alter ego took over...

Fuck! That guy takes over whenever he likes.

I clench my fist and stare at the ceiling. The faces of government personnel flash in my head.

They are humans like me...what gives me the right to use them as I see fit?

If possible, I wanted to avoid sacrificing innocent lives, not only for moral reasons but to avoid future troubles.


The truth will eventually spread to some people and I will be a target.


What did Flow mentioned? Two what?"

I get up and look at a mirror across the room.


Today is the day everyone gathers for a last meeting, consolidating everything before the end. My mother is here. Everyone is.

I concealed my identity to grow stronger and I achieved my goal. There is no longer a reason to be "Arsto".

Black pigments seep my hair strands, engulfing my hair.

"Phew...let's go."

*Tap Tap Tap*

Heads turn when they notice someone they don't recognise yet my sword tells otherwise.

"That's Arsto?"

"I-I think? But that appearance looks oddly familiar..."

My heart races as my gaze darts around. All eyes are on me, scrutinising my every move.

"Calm down, Samuel, calm down." I repeatedly chant.

Nervousness has taken hold of my existence.

I wonder what everyone will think? What should I say? What if things go wrong?

Constant questions clash.

Finally, I stand before the pair of large doors.

"Hoofff..." I let out a deep breath and push the door open.

"Arsto, you are late-"



Silence. Eyes wide open, trying to process what they see.

Almost everyone close to me is here around the table. Jon, Kin, Alure, Aerin, Lia, and most importantly...

"S-Samuel!" My mother exclaims. Maile jolts up and stares at me from head to toe. When I smile gently, she bolts forward and throws a hug.

"Samuel! A-Are you okay? Hurt anywhere? Have you been eating well?" She inspects my body and face.

"Yes..." I return the hug firmly.

Time seems to slow down in our embrace. Waves of emotions surge over us, leaving only the profound connection of a mother and her son. My mother's tears flow down my shoulder yet I don't mind it one bit.

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