The Ripper

269 19 2

Arctius Ferz Kaile Monseour

Tribe: Human(?)


Hp: 1100000/1100000
Mana: 8000/8000

Atk: 1598
Def: 222
Dex: 279
Mag: 219
Luck: 81
Arctius' stats have grown.

Realising the capabilities of both fighters, people start to evacuate the marketplace. Arctius charges at me with his spear at his hips. One simple slash manifests spontaneous power.

I dodge and throw a thrust at Arctius, my sword glowing ever brightly. His age did not hinder his instinct as Arctius deflect and counter. I throw my sword against his blade, my strength overpowers him and his spear flings aside.


A swift slash follows but Arctius uses his physique and armour to ram me, launching me away.

I am sent flying and rolling into a somersault.

"Interesting, a young man overpowered me in brute strength? I must be getting old." Arctius says with a smile. He tightens his guard and holds the spear with both of his hands.

Fuck. Since Arctius has a distance advantage with the spear, I planned to fight as close as possible. By surprising him with raw strength, I wanted to deal substantial damage. It won't work again.


Time for plan B.

I kick up a pot and throw a pin of mana at it, shattering the clay into a dusty cloud.

"Useless tricks." Arctius mumbles.

One simple slash is enough to disperse the smoke field. I am seen leaping from wall to wall to the roof.

Arctius bends his knees. With an explosive jump, he flies and crashes onto the roof before chasing me.

I drop down from a building. Arctius follows. However, the moment he drops down, I launch a ferocious strike, aiming for his neck.

Arctius sees that coming and braces himself, I immediately switch my target to his arms, cutting a few splashes of blood.

"Bastard..." Arctius says.

He punch into the walls of the building and scoop out a large chunk of bricks at me which I swiftly avoided, unaware of the collapsing shadow. A series of creaks and ominous snaps echo through. With a thunderous roar, the building's support gave way. Arctius had destroyed the core foundation. The weight of its history crashes down, sending clouds of debris and dust billowing into the air.


The cacophony of destruction drowned out the storm's fury.

"*Cough* *Cough* fuck..." I cover my mouth with my arm. I can't see anything.

Nonetheless, I detect something from behind. I quickly turn and block a devastating blow, sending me sliding across the ground.

Arctius sends another pierce, barely missing by cutting my hair. I jump out of the dust cloud and continue my run.

Panting, my body slips through the dividing crowd, people quickly step aside for the two fighters in the city. Arctius, like a charging bull, follows behind.

He holds up his spear and sends another piercing shot. It cuts a chunk of meat off my left shoulder.

"Arck!" I groan with gritted teeth.

Where the hell are you?

Occasionally, I jump back and launch a barrage of attacks, dealing minor damages while sustaining some. But this cat and rat chase continues until I glance at a woman with silver hair hurriedly moving with a group.

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