The real him ..

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(Sam's POV)

I woke up when I heard someone
talking on the phone.
"Oh,good morning."Prem greeted me after he ended the call.
"Morning..why are you early today?"I asked.
"I have a meeting later.It's about
the replacement of my father."he
Oh yeah now I remember, the company which I never went back to
"Prem! Regarding the company. Do I have to go back there?"
I can see Prem's eyes soften . He takes a seat near me and says.
"Listen, just because I'm your husband you don't have to join it back. You can come when you are comfortable or whatever decision you take I'm with you." Prem said smiling
You are so understanding Prem!

"So, are you leaving now?" I asked as I stood up.
"Yeah! ,I might come home late because after the meeting,I have something else to do."he said.
"So,don't wait for me" he added.
Somehow,I feel sad and curious of what he's going to do after that.
"I'll leave now. "he walked closer to me
kissed my forehead.
"Remember to lock the doors."he said and left the room
I feel lonely and I don't know what to
do.After taking my shower,I cleaned
the house. It's afternoon already and
I'm hungry.I remembered yesterday,we
have nothing in the fridge.
"Guess I have to go to the mall."I said to myself.Before going to the mall,I texted Prem
ME: Prem ,I'm going to the mall later.[Sent]
PREM: 0kay,I'm having my break Now.Be careful. [Received]
Prem is not that bad.He is caring. Maybe sometimes he is but as for now, he's okay to me. Since I don't have a car, I took the taxi and went to the mall.I entered the mall and passed by some shops.I was shocked when I passed by a cafe.


I looked at them from a far and
they were chatting happily. My heart
shattered when I saw that incident. Is
he cheating on mne?Is this what he
meant by something else to do?He's
dating another girl. Wow.I'm such a fool to fall in love with him while he doesn't love me.I walked away but still the eager of going there to interrupt was firing inside me.

I can't hold it anymore!
I need to go there!
Now my stubborness is useful. Without hesitations, I entered the cafe.I walked to their table.
"Prem!"I called him.
He looked at me and his eyes widen.
"W-what are you doing here?"he asked.
"To buy food."I answered.
"Prem, who's this?"the lady asked.
"She's..she's my."he said but he's slow!
"Im his wife."I answered.
"'re his wife?I never knew my friend here is married."she said.
"Who are you?"I asked.
"Don't think of anything else,miss..I'm just his friend."she said.

"I'm Anvi Rajput"we shook hands.
"Samaya Chauhan"I said and at the
same time,a waiter came to give me
the foods that I ordered.
"Ill go now.See you at home, Prem"I said and waved at the both of them.
I walked out of the cafe and proceded to the hypermarket.
"Yah!"I heard someone called me.I turned around and saw Prem running
towards me.
"What?"I asked.
"Don't misunderstand,she's just a friend not more than that."he explained.
"I know."I answered. "
You're jealous right?"he asked.
If I will say yes then he'll tease me all day.
"No."I answered.
"Don't lie to me,'re obviously
jealous just now. "he teased.
"Stop it! Go.your friend is waiting in the cafe."I said to him.
"She went home already,she's also a wife to someone okay?"he said.
Now I feel bad to have misunderstood
"Prem, sorry.I thought you cheated on me.I'm really sorry." I apologized.
"It's, now I know you care about me."he smiled and ruffled my hair.
I shook my head and took the trolley. Prem walked beside me andI felt his hand on my shoulders.
"Wh-why are you doing this?"I asked awkwardly.
"Because I'm your husband."he answered simply.
Just that! Are you.for real?
I took everything I wanted and when we were counter,Prem volunteered and
paid for the things.
"Thanks for paying, Pru."I thanked him.
"Hey,that's a husband job as the head of the family okay?So no problem." he smiled.
"Let's go.I'l send you home." he carried some plastic bags and both of us walked to the car.
"Il just send you here,I need to go back to the office."he said as he stopped the car infront of the house gate.
"It's fine.Be careful."I got out of the car and took the things that I bought earlier.He drove avway and I just waved from far.

I cooked spagetti for myself and
left some of it for Prem.I took
my shower and waited for Prem
"It's 5 pm and he's still not home."I mumbled to myself and sighed.
"Guess he's really busy today."I
added.Later,my phone vibrated.I slide
my phone and opened the text.

PREM :Hey,I'm on my way
back but I have to go somewhere.
ME:Where are you going?[SENT]
PREM: Somewhere special..Do
you want to follow? [RECEIVED]
ME:Sure. [SENT]
PREM: :Get ready.I'll be there in
10 minutes. [RECEIVED]

I get really excited after the message. I've no idea what the message is for but I'm happy to spend more time with Prem.
I wore a simple long sleeved
striped shirt,black jeans and black
converse.I took my bag and waited
for Prem.
"Sam, I'm back!"I heard Prem said from outside.I stood up and went out.
"You look pretty." Prem complimented.
I felt happy because this is the first time he's complimenting me.
Althought he has complimented me earlier too, but it was all an act in front of my parents. But this time, it's real!
"Thanks."I said and locked the
door."let's go."I said and he nodded.
We entered the car and Prem started driving.
"Where are we going?"I asked.
"You'll see. "he smiled.

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