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Evelyn's hands gently tried to heal Kent's black eye after silently praising Thing for such a well placed punch. "Tell me again, Kent, how did you get this black eye?"

He groaned, "I was pushing the Black Cats' boat and suddenly a disembodied hand hit me in the face."

"It knocked you out, didn't it?" Evelyn teased, trying to hide how much physical exertion she was using to even just marginally lighten the bruise.

"Don't even remind me," Kent grumbled.

"Sorry, Kent. That's the best I can do," Evelyn sighed, grabbing Bianca's mirror to show him. It had only gotten marginally lighter.

"Thanks anyway, Evelyn," he sighed, touching his fingers gently around the flesh of his eye. "Damn, that was stupid."

"It's okay, Kent. I appreciate you helping even if we did lose to Wednesday Addams." Bianca touched his shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze before releasing.

"You lost to the Black Cats," Evelyn corrected, ignoring the scathing glare she got from the girl in response. She straightened up from her hunched up position over Kent.

"Give me a break, Evelyn," Bianca snorted, passing a glass of water to Kent. "Guess what she told me before the race?"

"Aw, did you fall victim to her mind games?" Evelyn grinned, prodding the girl's side playfully.

"She said, 'For the record, I don't think I'm better than everybody. Just better than you.' Or something like that," Bianca scoffed, using a high, mocking voice when pretending to be Wednesday. "Honestly, I don't even know how you can stand her."

"She's not that bad once you get to know her," Evelyn reasoned, giving Bianca a side-eye, "Kind of like you."

"But Bianca isn't psychopathic," Divinia interjected, waving her hand at Kent. "She just let that hand to do that to Kent and then just not apologise."

"Okay, yeah, that's a bit of a problem but can you really expect a person like Wednesday to apologise?" Evelyn asked, sending a charming smile to Divina, to which she sarcastically returned.

"Evelyn, do you have a crush on Wednesday?" Kent asked bluntly, looking up at Evelyn, who found herself suddenly unable to hold eye contact with anybody.

"I...No? Trauma brings people together," Evelyn said, causing Kent to raise his eyebrows skeptically.

"You seriously still think Rowan died?" Bianca asked, a genuinely concerned expression on her face.

"I know what I saw, Bianca. It better be him because I socked him in the face the next time I saw him after the Harvest Festival," Evelyn sighed, pulling her concealer out and using the mirror to check her appearance.

"Always so vain," Kent teased, leaning back on his hands.

"With how much you check yourself out, I'd have guessed you were a scale," Divinia added, grinning at Evelyn's reaction.

"What is this? Gang up on Evelyn day?" she asked, snapping the makeup product shut and slipping it back into her pocket.

"I guess you didn't get the memo," Divinia's expression showed that she was only kidding.

"Of course," Evelyn sighed, pushing herself off of the picnic table, plainly showing that she planned to leave.

"Remember, meeting tonight," Bianca said, looking carefully at all of them.

"Yes, Bianca. We'll be there," Evelyn chuckled, giving her a hug before making her departure.

"Thanks again, Evelyn!" Kent called out, smiling sweetly as he waved.

Divinia simply smiled and waved goodbye along with her twin.

She smiled to herself, listening to her footsteps echoed along the empty hallway as everyone else was still celebrating. Suddenly, she heard a very familiar voice call for her.

"Evelyn, wait," Wednesday said, her voice no louder than it needed to be.

"Congratulations, you were amazing out there," Evelyn said, pausing in the middle of the hallway, pulling on a practice, fake smile.

Wednesday halted, slightly concerned look on her face. "I was wondering...I was wondering if..." she paused again, her frown deepening at the smile on Evelyn's face. "Do I need to break out my grave-digging kit on someone?"

"No, I'm okay. What can I help you with?" Evelyn asked, leaning back on her heels as she tried to hide how just being around the girl made her heart race.

"I've found the entrance to the Nightshades' library. I was wondering if you might like to...accompany me there," Wednesday finally managed to say. Evelyn's face changed into a genuine smile and she ducked her head, trying to hide the sudden rush of blood to her cheeks.

"Sorry, Wednesday. I have something on tonight."

Wednesday closed her eyes in a moment of disappointment. "I understand."

"Had it been any other day, it'd definitely be a yes," Evelyn reflexively did what she always did when she sensed that her friends were upset. She grabbed Wednesday's freezing cold hand between her, trying to offer some comfort but she hastily dropped it at the murderous eyes that were shot back at her. "I...gotta go check on Arnold."

She quickly speed-walked away, catching a glimpse of her blushing reflection in a random cabinet.

I'm sorry guys T-T. Ik this one is subpar and not as good quality.

Unlovable | Wednesday AddamsWhere stories live. Discover now