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" How long " Kitty asked to no one in particular as she sat down to eat.

" We're almost there, female" A male replied, blushing

Winston glared down at the male and he retreated his gaze and went to talk to other females.

" You never said what tribe you are from " Winston asked her handing a piece of the roasted meat

" Ape " Kitty replied just as she had practiced with Eros.

Although she saw no harm in telling Winston about her origins, the other's couldn't be trusted. Especially the females who looked rather uncomfortable having Kitty in the group.


Kitty looked around in interest as they reached a big gate gaurded by many beasts.

Feeling Winston suddenly stop, she looked to the direction everyone was staring at and saw Eros arguing with the gaurd.

She jumped off Winston's back and ran towards Eros's open arms.

Winston wanted to pull back the female from running towards the feral, but when he saw the pure look of adoration on his face. He understood that this feral was her mate.

Winston felt a pang on his chest as the two collided laughing. He should be happy for her,  but all he felt was jealousy and dread.

Even if Kitty did not take him as her mate, he would always protect her.


Eros was tripping with joy as he hugged and picked up his mate. He leaned in to kiss her, just as he had wanted to do for the past week.

Putting her down, he smacked the back of her head and glared down at her.

" What did I say about wandering off? "

" But it was a butterfly" Kitty tried to reason with a pout

" And? " Eros glared harder making Kitty look down on guilt. She mumbled a 'sorry' as Eros patted her head and kissed her again.

" Please, don't wander off like that. " He mumbled, his face buried on her neck.

Kitty nodded in guilt. She really shouldn't have done that, this is not the forest she used to explore with her parents. Fuck it, it wasn't even the same world. What she did was extremely stupid.

" I won't" she mumbled back. She understood that free spirited nature and curiosity would only get her killed in this world.


Finally inside the city, thanks to Winston vouching for them. The duo mingled between the crowd gathered for Winston and his group.

"The whole street is packed with beast men!" Kitty heard a female, Kitty turned to look at the girl beside her. She had brown hair and big brown eyes. And freckles under her eyes.

' Are those freckles real?'  she thought staring at the uneven freckles

She looked at the female's side and saw a leopard beastman and a snake beastman.

" Eros look! She has a snake beastman as her mate " Kitty whispered

Eros turned his head to look at them and saw the red snake staring daggers at him.

Eros quickly picked Kitty up and kissed her cheek which finally made the red snake turn away.

"Females joining a city is a big deal. It means lots of males will get mates." The leopard beastman said

They stood around, watching the returning males parade through the streets with Females sitting on their backs. Most Females waved at the crowd, though a Few looked afraid. The males were huge! Beast Forms of giant bears, wolves, tigers...

Kitty felt the familiar power as he walked on to the stage with a female sitting on his back.

She thought that Winston looked like those hot villains in an anime

"That power-" the female beside Kitty whined almost falling on her mate.

"Qing Qing" one of her mates yelled

' so her name is Qing Qing? What kind of a name is that ' Kitty snickered to herself

After some conversation which Kitty did not pay attention to, Qing Qing asked about Winston. She was about to say something when a beastman beat her to it.

"Oh, him?" Came a random voice near them. "That's Winston, the strongest white-tiger in the city."

"Oh look! They have gotten to the plaza!" Called another male.

They watched as the Females were gently left on a stage and most of the males moved back away. Four males stood, hands raised to quiet the crowd. One was a blond leopard that Kitty thought looked a little like the leopard next to them. The second was a black haired tiger male. The third was a pink haired male she couldn't place his animal. The Fourth male, the one that stepped forward and took center stage... looked human? He had no marks, no animal ears or tail, he was balding and obviously quite older than the rest.

"Who's that?" Kitty asked.

"That's the leader of the Ape Tribe." Eros said. "The Ape Tribe is considered one of the strongest, so everyone knows of them."

"Winston has brought Five new Females to out city!" The ape king spoke as Cheers rang out loudly.

"Tonight we will hold a Feast of welcome for them! First however, we ask the Females to watch as the male of our city Fight to show how strong they are! Let the Females pick their First mates in the city TODAY!" He yelled over the cheering.
The yelling and cheering drowned out the rest of his speech.

Kitty watched as the Ape King motioned to a Female and Winston, but she couldn't hear over the crowd. The Female looked terrified, and when Winston transformed and offered her his hand she almost ran away, shaking her head. Kitty was surprised by the sudden change in the crowd as they began to laugh and jeer at the white tiger male.

"What was said?" She asked loudly.

"Winston saved that Female so he has a claim to court her, but he's just too ugly!" One of the crowd answered.

"It happens every time! He's all scared up and no Female will ever want him! He can't even get one to like him by saving her life!" More laughter Filled the area around her.

Kitty looked around at the jeering males. If any of them ever tried to court her, she tell Eros to eat them, or better she'd kill them herself. She watched in fury as Winston on the stage shrank back from the group of Females, head down in shame.

She looked at Eros to find him already staring at her. He smiled at her and gave a small nod, putting her back on the ground.

She walked towards the front capturing attention from many people. Especially Qing Qing

" HEY!! SNOW WHITE!!!! " she yelled capturing the attention of everyone present on the stage.

Winston, although confused motioned to himself as Kitty nodded and yelled again.


𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now