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Winter season was nearly there and Kitty didn't like it one bit. With the welcome of the winter season is also the welcome of five lethargic snakes who'd eventually have to go into hibernation.

She was especially sad because Eros and the snakes would be leaving in a week. No matter how much time she spent with the five, she still felt as if she'd didn't spend any at all.

And so, she decided to fatten up her mate and children so that they'd atleast go through their hibernation comfortably.

After they'd come back, Kitty and her family would be leaving Camel Hump Valley.

Kitty stood by her window, gaze fixed on the fog that hung low, wrapping itself like a blanket, around the house. She took a breath, taking in the crisp air. Winter was quickly approaching, but the beauty of the landscape was still holding onto the last remains of the season. The wind whistled in the trees, carrying with it the smell of wood burning in fireplaces.

"You'll catch a cold" Eros's tail wrapped around her waist, pulling her in and shutting the window

"Not bloody likely.....aaachhooo..... nevermind"

"See, I told you" He flicked her forehead

Kitty sighed loudly burying her head on the crook of Eros's neck "I don't like winters, infact I hate them. It separates me from you guys" she opened her arms for the four snakes to come.

"It'll go just as it came" Eros kissed her forehead

"Stop trying to be philosophical dad"

"It really doesn't suit you"

"Shut up!"

"They aren't wrong though"

"Dove! You're supposed to be on my side"

"Why is the house so quite?" Kitty suspiciously asked after a few moments

Her house was anything but quite. Be it the petty arguments between Alpin and Eros or the sibling fight between her children. It was never quite. Even Shuu who and Winston who were the quietest in the bunch were rather loud when they were in their own personal bubble, that is the house.

It had been even more chaotic after Alice came. That little furball was a flame of energy. She was never even remotely tired and loved spending her time climbing trees, challenging the snakes to run, knowing very well they'd loose for her. And, if she wasn't engaged in any of these activities - she would be with Kitty practicing archery or admiring daggers.

" she's with papa Alpin " Ophi replied

On the other side of the village at a certain healer's house. Alice was tied to Alpin's back while she slept peacefully, her drool dropping down her cheeks and her head rested on Alpin's shoulders.

Harvey at first was surprised to see Alice after so long. He had been there during her birth.

Alice had made quite a fuss when Harvey told her that she was smaller than his palm when she was born, like a little squirrel.

"Do you have any knowledge in medicine?" Harvey asked the young leopard beast in front of him.

Jake, the young beast had stumbled into Harvey's cottage mid-afternoon claiming to have interest in learning the art of healing.

He was a young beast who had most likely had his first transformation with curly brown hair and light brown eyes. His tail swished to his sides as he was seated in front of Alpin and Harvey, who were interviewing him.

"I know what herb can be used what what, I don't have any practical experience" he answered and Alpin nodded

That was good. If he indeed had the knowledge as he claimed then training him the entire winter season would be enough to let him harness his skills.

Moreover, Harvey could leave the village with them and Alpin wouldn't have to leave behind his first friend. He was rather excited to tour the lands with his mate, his family and his only friend and ofcourse Alice. Couldn't forget the little stormball now, could he?

A/n - sorry for the short chaper........ I'll write a bigger one next time, for sure.

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now