|| 50. Some game (UN-EDITED)

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As Y/N took a step forward, the formidable walls of the maze closed behind her, sealing her within its intricate pathways

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As Y/N took a step forward, the formidable walls of the maze closed behind her, sealing her within its intricate pathways. She glanced back briefly, witnessing the bush sealing off the entrance. A mixture of determination and apprehension filled her as she turned her attention forward, knowing there was no turning back now.

The dimly lit maze seemed to pulsate with an eerie energy, its mysterious aura heightening Y/N's senses. With her wand firmly gripped at her side, she ventured deeper into the labyrinth, each step calculated and deliberate. She was acutely aware of the silence that enveloped her, broken only by the distant echo of her own footsteps.

Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream pierced through the stillness, sending an electric jolt of fear down Y/N's spine. Without hesitation, she quickened her pace, following the direction from which the chilling sound emanated. Her heart pounded in her chest, matching the rhythm of her hurried steps.

Coming to a junction in the maze, Y/N halted abruptly, concealing herself against the cold stone wall. She cautiously peered around the corner, her eyes widening as she spotted Viktor emerging from one of the adjacent pathways. Instinctively, she pressed her back against the wall, minimizing her presence and praying that Viktor wouldn't detect her.

Her breath caught in her throat as the crackling of a snapped branch reverberated through the air, alerting Viktor to an unknown presence. In an instant, he spun around, his wand held firmly in his grip. The pale glow from his wand illuminated the surrounding area, casting long shadows that danced eerily along the maze walls.

Y/N's heart raced as she observed Viktor's heightened state of alertness. She wondered what had prompted such a response, what hidden danger lurked in the depths of the maze. The bright light emanating from his wand signaled his readiness to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Time seemed to stand still as Y/N held her breath, her mind racing with possibilities. Would Viktor uncover a hidden threat or unleash a spell to overcome an obstacle? With her own wand at the ready, she remained silent and motionless, waiting to see how events would unfold within the labyrinth's treacherous embrace.

As Y/N's gaze met Viktor's lifeless eyes, a shiver ran down her spine. His once vibrant and piercing gaze now appeared dull and lifeless, as if he had become a mere shell of his former self. His pupils, once filled with vitality, now resembled empty voids, devoid of any spark of life. It was as if Viktor had transformed into a zombie, his entire being consumed by an eerie sense of detachment.

A heavy silence hung in the air, amplifying the unsettling nature of the encounter. Y/N watched in a mix of curiosity and concern as Viktor slowly lowered his wand, seemingly oblivious to her presence. Without uttering a word, he continued on his way, moving past her as if she were an inconsequential presence in the maze.

Releasing a pent-up breath, Y/N couldn't shake off the unease that Viktor's peculiar state had stirred within her. What could have caused such a drastic change in him? Questions swirled in her mind, but for now, her focus shifted back to the task at hand.

Patiently Waiting For You | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now