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I am a shadow in the light,
A ghost among the living.
My heart is stone, my soul is fright,
A life that's not worth living.

My tears run dry, my smile is fake,
My darkest thoughts prevailing.
I am the one they love to hate,
My hope is slowly failing.

They whisper behind my back,
With malice in their hearts.
They plot my downfall,
Hoping to tear me apart.

I can't seem to find any peace,
As if my pain will never cease.
The world is unkind and dark,
I feel like I'm falling apart.

I close my eyes and take a breath,
Let my thoughts wander, forget the rest.
In my mind's eye, a garden blooms,
Whispers of hope, replacing the gloom.

So I'll take their whispers as a wind,
That dances through the trees.
For they cannot shake my spirit,
Nor bring me to my knees.

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