Saving part 2

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"So does that make Scott a uncle now or something?" Stiles asked Peter, before looking a little weirded out. " Shauna Derek's aunt now?"

Peter rolled his eyes, shaking his head at stiles questions not really wanting to answer them but he did anyway

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Peter rolled his eyes, shaking his head at stiles questions not really wanting to answer them but he did anyway. "Yes stiles, it makes Scott a uncle and Shauna Derek's aunt." He sarcastically replied, but it was true. "Okay. I think I'm gonna throw up now." stiles told him. Peter scoffed lightly, before looking bout the window wanting them both to hurry up and get his mate out of there already.

Scott and Derek, fought some of the hunters but Scott couldn't bring himself to hurt Alison. "Alison we need to go!" Chris told her. Scott looked at her, before watching her and Chris leave after Gerard had been bitten by Derek. Scott looked over at his sister, before rushing over to her and freaking out seeing the cut along with her slightly swollen stomach.

"I'm sorry." Scott heard Shauna whisper to him, as he helped her up before looking at Derek as he came over and gave her his jacket since her shirt was missing.

"You two can talk later. We need to go. Now."  Derek told Scott, before helping Shauna to the car knowing that his uncle was gonna flip when he saw the condition that she's in.

Scott followed after Derek and Shauna, he was worried about his sister and wanted to know why she didn't tell him about the baby. He got the door open to the backseat, he stood out of the way as Derek helped her into the middle seat. "Stiles drive." Derek told stiles, sitting on the other side of Shauna looking at her wound to see how bad it was.

Peter looked over at his mate, as he watched Derek help her into the jeep, he however grew worried when he smelled blood and could now see her stomach. He gently touched her cheek, as she laid her head against his shoulder. "What happened to her?" He demanded, as he looked at Derek, he wasn't exactly happy to see her hurt, he just hoped that her and the baby were gonna be alright.

He however snapped out of his firm tone, when he felt his mate gently touching his neck, which seemed to soothe him instantly which made Derek raise a eyebrow and get a look of. "Don't say anything about it." From Peter, since he had found his anchor.

"H-he doesn't know. I um..I was chained up and shocked, by some sort of stick. A hunter by the name of Chris set me free, before I was attacked by Alison. She didn't recognize me, and we got into it. Til you guys got here." Shauna said, before groaning softly and clenching her fist in pain.

Derek looked at her wound. "It doesn't look like it's wolves bane or anything. But it's definitely not healing." He said, before hearing the baby's faint heartbeat. "Peter." Derek said, looking up at his uncle.

Peter clenched his jaw, he was going to make them pay for hurting her especially Gerard but right now she was his main concern. He looked at his nephew, before gently pulling back the jacket a bit and sitting one of his bigger on her stomach away from the cut, feeling the baby moving but something was off. "Paws?" Peter thought, as he continued to feel the movement.

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