Melissa finds out

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Peter gently rubbed her back soothingly, he was really worried about her especially with her only have less two and a half months left of being pregnancy. He was hoping that Melissa would come check her over and make sure that everything was alright with her and the baby.

He heard a knock at the door, before getting up and feeling bad when Shauna looked at him whining. "I'm sorry sweetheart. But I have to go get the door. I'll be right back." He told her, before kissing her forehead and going to get the door.

Peter opened the door seeing Scott and Melissa, who didn't look to happy about seeing Peter

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Peter opened the door seeing Scott and Melissa, who didn't look to happy about seeing Peter. "Where's my daughter?" He heard Melissa ask him in her mama bear tone not sounding to pleased, he swallowed thickly looking away as he moved by to let her and Scott inside.

"She's upstairs

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"She's upstairs." Peter told Melissa, before looking at Scott as Melissa headed upstairs to check on Shauna. "What did you tell her?" He asked Scott.

"That Shauna hasn't been feeling well and that she can barely get out of bed." Scott told Peter, knowing that was true since no one had really seen Shauna up until today with Alison and Lydia. " much as we don't get along. I'm not the enemy here or trying to cause any problems, but it's not me you need to worry about. I know how my mom is and this isn't gonna be a easy thing for her to handle." Scott added, knowing that his mom knew that Shauna was with Peter but had no idea of her pregnancy yet....


Melissa headed upstairs, hoping that Peter had not done anything to her baby girl whom yes wasn't her biological daughter, but she still saw her as her daughter and treated her as such, much like Scott who treated her like a sister. She nudged the bedroom door open, after knocking gently. She smiled warmly yet seemed to have a look of worry, as she walked over to her. "Hey kiddo. How are you feeling?" She asked her softly, as she gently felt her head feeling no fever but her head was warm. "Like heck. I keep throwing up and my stomach hurts." Melissa frowned at this looking worried and concerned. "My poor baby girl." She said. "Do you have any other symptoms of any sort?"

Shauna nodded her head faintly, before groaning softly and sitting a hand on her stomach under the blanket. Unable to say anything else, as she rubbed her belly nearly whining in pain. Before she could stop her, Melissa gently pulled back some of the blanket to look at her stomach. She watched Melissa's get a oh look along with a look of I'm gonna hurt or kill someone. Shauna gulped, knowing who that look was directed at, Peter Hale. "Please tell me that is not who's kid I think it is." Melissa told Shauna, ready to rip Peter a new one for getting her daughter pregnant.

Shauna went quiet confirming Melissa's suspicions about who the father was, she groaned again as the baby kicked. "Hale!" She heard Melissa yell, as she let her pull up her shirt a bit to look at her swollen belly. She looked at the doorway hearing two sets of footsteps coming up the steps.

Peter and Scott, heard his Melissa calling for Peter. Which made Peter a bit uncomfortable, knowing this wasn't gonna go down well but he could feel and hear his mates pain. "I hear it too." Scott told Peter, before following Peter up the stairs to the bedroom.

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