Chapter 55 - The fight

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Craving Bibimbap

- TC




You ate lunch in the afternoon and went back to your place by the pool to continue reading and swimming. At around five thirty, you finally stood up and went back to the room to take a shower. The room was empty, so you took your time doing your skincare routine and your hair in the bathroom. You reapplied the sunscreen, put some oil in your hair and brushed it gently.

Somewhere in between, Jungkook must have gotten back because just as you opened the door, you caught a glimpse of him closing the last buttons of his shirt, yet still leaving the top two of them fashionably undone.

You ignored him and headed to the closet where you had hung up one of your dresses in an effort to get the three-day-old wrinkles out of it. You had intended to wear it on a nice evening out in the city with Jungkook. 

This was going to be far from that.

He made a point of avoiding eye contact. 

You applied some light make-up similar to the one that you'd worn before you showered, this time using an eye shadow that was a few shades darker and some subtle glitter. The dress was rather tight but was floor-length and had long sleeves. It was, however, almost backless, the fabric ending just a little below your waist. You paired it with a dainty necklace and a pair of silver earrings. If you'd be sitting next to Jungkook, there was no need to worry about the back being too revealing, though you still decided to let your hair down. 

By the time you were done with everything, Jungkook was sitting restlessly on his side of the bed with a black folder in his hand, mindlessly turning the pages without even reading them properly. You took a better look at him through the mirror, your back still turned to him and even from that distance you could notice the eyebags. At least he'd taken care of his hair and styled it properly. 

His eyes met yours through the mirror.

"Jungkook, come over here", you said.

He raised an eyebrow but obeyed.

You grabbed some concealer and a pressed powder.

He still had his eyebrow raised and was looking down at you as you put three dots under each eye. Spreading the concealer with a brush, you tried not to meet his gaze. You kept his head still, a finger just under his jawline and your thumb on his chin, smooth skin curving under light pressure you added.

"Can't have you walking around like a goth vampire", you mumbled, which he ignored. Still, you felt his jaw tensing under you touch as if he was biting back a response. 

After a light layer of setting powder, you set everything back down and took a step back. Much better. 

One look at the clock told you it was already ten past seven.

You grabbed your purse, put on a pair of black heel sandals and headed out.

The ride took almost twenty minutes, which meant you arrived just on time. Jungkook had made a reservation and you were guided to your seats as soon as you arrived. Luckily, the business partner was not there yet. 

You sat between him and the window, and for a brief second you wondered if that was a deliberate choice so you couldn't just excuse yourself to the bathroom unnoticed, though you quickly realized that wouldn't be necessary. 

Minutes later a couple entered the restaurant and headed toward your table. The woman was in her mid forties, short black bob accentuating her eyes that almost seemed black. Her husband's navy blue tie and pants matched her knee-length dress, though his facial features were a little softer than hers.

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