Chapter 34

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Now that I am officially 18, I can get drunk and try to forget that I am writing Jungkook self-insert fanfiction for fun.




Jungkook wasn't the only one having weird dreams that night.

You dreamt of a huge storm - not the one that was taking place outside - and somehow Jungkook managed to get lost in it. When you found him again, he hugged you, as if he was scared while away. 

Now here's where it gets crazy: at around six in the morning, you woke up. That in itself was obviously not the crazy thing. It was that you found yourself in the odd situation where you were turning your back to Jungkook and he put an arm around your waist, securing you tightly. 

Why the fuck were you sleeping next to Jungkook?

After a few moments of intensive thinking, you remembered that you had promised to stay until the storm was over. You must've fallen asleep. Or maybe someone put drugs in the water. 

You picked up his hand as slow as possible in an attempt to put it away without waking him up. 

 Your action only made sure that he pulled you closer. He smelt like the same shower gel you found in your own bathroom. The floral one, with a hint of an artificial spring scent. It reminded you of the times in your childhood when you would go outside with your brother and play in your mother's garden. 

Then it hit you: You were supposed to visit your parents today. With Jungkook!

Maybe it would be best to just let him sleep and then he would probably forget it. But how were you supposed to get out of here? 

You figured the only solution would be to wait it out. He had to wake up eventually, and he went pretty early to sleep, so it shouldn't take that long. 

The next thirty minutes were hell. You knew you've always been bad at keeping still, but now it was only being accentuated. Every inch of your body was itching and it took everything you got not to move around. And it wasn't helping that Jungkook smelled so good. Really, why did he choose that shower gel? Did he buy it in bulk or what? 

Suddenly he shifted and his face was much closer to your neck. You could feel his breath fanning against your skin and you couldn't stand being so close to him anymore. 

You didn't have to think of an escape plan because you felt a sneeze incoming. You tried to suppress it, but it was to no use. Your body jerked and you even managed to scare Jungkook. 

Great, now how will you get out of this mess? 

He yawned, probably still not realizing what situation he was in, and finally took his hand away from your waist. 

You had two options: stay and get into an awkward situation now or run and get into an awkward situation later.

You chose the latter. You got up without looking at him and went straight upstairs. As soon as you got into your room you locked the door and plunged yourself into the nearest pillow face forward. 

A few minutes later you heard Jungkook's door close. Great, the living room area was a safe space again. 

Not that you had any intention of ever going out again. 

To recapitulate: Jungkook had a nightmare and wanted you gone. And then you woke him up and suddenly he wanted you to stay. And you wanted to go as soon as the storm was over, but instead, you had fallen asleep and woke up with him cradling you like Gollum was protecting his ring. 

There was certainly no way the meeting with your parents will go out well. It's going to be a mess. Especially after what just happened.

But let's be positive: if Jungkook messes it up, your brother will definitely believe you two. After all, you've never brought someone home that was boyfriend material, and if you did, everything that could go wrong went wrong.

Though this time would be different. You were married to Jungkook, he wasn't just a boyfriend. Well, not officially. And not in the eyes of your brother. So if he messes this up, he'd have to do it moderately. Not too much so they'd think he's like the previous ones but not too perfect to be unrealistic.

Maybe even these expectations were too high. You didn't know what would happen. Plus, there were all the things Jungkook didn't know yet and that you desperately wanted to keep away from him. Like the reason why you took his offer without hesitating. Or that your mother didn't want your help. Or that your brother was the most annoying person on earth (maybe even in the entire universe). He didn't need to know all of this, you were going to get divorced soon and you would probably only see him around the office if anything at all. 

But something told you that wouldn't be the case. 

The 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖌𝖊 Dilemma ║ 🄹🄹🄺Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum